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cannibal fish
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

(p.s. half the entry is all lower-case, and the other half is capitalized. blame it on microsoft word).

damieon's fish had five babies the other night, and then they were eaten by their mother this afternoon. too bad i wasn't around to see it, i think it would have been quite interesting to witness some hands-on cannibalism. heh.

i got two hours of sleep the other night as well. it played havoc on my stomach and i ended up going back home before i went to any of my classes. i really think it's time for me to try and work out a sleeping system. damieon's practically demanding that i go on sleeping pills, but i think it's quite dumb. it's not a bad idea getting some though, just for those crap nights when i cannot get to sleep at all.

i went to my lawyer today, with damieon tagging along. i've finally figured out a bunch of things i wanted to know about... i AM getting my titanium coat and schoolbag back (the money they cost). besides that, i'm really not going to be involved in any legal matters until (maybe) february, when we go through some sort of process... can't remember the name, but it starts with a g. basically, we meet with the insurance company (didn't ask if that asshole who hit me was going to be there) at my lawyer's firm, and work out damages and crap. so, all in all, it sounds like it's not going to do too much emotional damage on me, since i won't have to go to court or anything. but notice i said "it sounds like". so i'm not giving any guarantees that i'll break down and start crying in the middle of it. we'll see in february.

I feel like I�m falling behind in all my courses, I guess not doing my readings plays a minor part in that role, but it seems like there�s just no time for crap like that. With a few things out of the way, I should be able to catch up on my classes, but I have almost no motivation at the moment. Especially with two of my courses being research methods and statistics. Why the hell do you have to take boring classes like that for majors anyway? Grr.

I�m starting to go stir-crazy in my apartment. I�m always either in school or at home and it�s getting old really fast. I went out to the movies a few times, but 1 hour photo sucked ass and feardotcom was too predictable. Anyone have any good suggestions for me? Actually, I�d like to make it a point to actually get out and check out all my friends� new apartments, because a lot of my friends have seen my place and I can�t even get my ass up to go and see theirs.

Anyway, I�m bored. I need to go and find something to do.

I'm wearing: dressy tee, stretchy jeans, penguin socks
I'm listening to: you are the master *bif naked*
I'm thinking: i need a cigarrette

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