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time's a bitch
Monday, Sept. 23, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

has it really been a week since i got my ass on here and written an entry? actually, i tried getting on here earlier in the week and the server was down. so there. but it's really weird because i've gotten so used to not having internet in my place that i keep forgetting that i finally have it. blah. and there's still a problem with figuring out the local dial-up number and getting it to work. so we're dialing out long-distance.


the school week went by incredibly fast (it never seems that way at the time though!). i've got tons of homework due in a few hours (have to get up in four hours!). i figure i'll do it sometime before my classes. but my portfolio i have to do for research methods... it scares me. do i think i'll get it done in time? i'm not sure, i'll tell you when i've screwed myself over.

my weekend went by really quickly as well. sunday evening just came and slapped me in the face. i went to a party on friday, which was entirely too freaky, but damieon cracked me up when we were smoking on the roof, not entirely sober... "i feel like britney spears looking at the moon". and i burst out laughing. saturday we did our own little partying, and today i kept telling dameion to fuck off and leave me sober for one day. i really think he wants to get in my pants. he keeps talking about "our child" and is absolutely appalled that i want to breastfeed my kids. i'd like to see how he reacts when i tell him that i'm going to cloth-diaper, family bed, and practise attachment parenting.

i don't know how i left this for so so long, but i dyed my hair a week ago. i got so sick of seeing roots (and feeling like trailer trash) and dyed my hair *deepest indigo*. it's basically a black with blue tint in it, but i completely freaked myself out, since i haven't had black hair for nearly ten years. it took a lot of adjusting, and i'd give myself a fright every time i looked into a mirror. now i just wish my hair would wash out clear.

i also bought fish. and frogs! i bought this big 5.5 gallon tank, some gravel, plants, a shark lifeguard (hehe), and threw in a bunch of stuff... there's two tiny cutie frogs (kermit and shakira), a school of tetras (s club 7), a guppy (speedy gonzalas), platy (harriet), some kind of dalmation thing (alanis morrisette), an algae eater (herby), and bottom feeder (ozzy). damieon sat on the glass part on the top and broke it when i was feeding them, but it still looks cool, yo. i've got pictures, but i haven't resized them yet so you'll have to wait. i've also taken pictures of my apartment too, so i have lots of work to do.

i finally meet up with my lawyer again on tuesday. i have had zero time since i got here, and i finally called him on friday and set up an appointment. i can finally see when i get my winter coat and schoolbag replaced, and what the hell is going to happen this semester, exactly. i'd like to know how long this thing will drag on and if i have to make any appearances in court (hopefully not). and it'd be even sweeter if he could give me a ballpark on how much i'll get out of this whole thing. a lot of people say i'll get in the ten-thousands, but i highly doubt it. if i could only get a ps2 and new clothes out of it, i wouldn't complain. how sorry am i?

anyway, i've got lots to do, and i have to get up in a few hours for school.

time's a bitch, isn't it?

I'm wearing: baby tee, shorts
I'm listening to: underneath it all *no doubt*
I'm thinking: i wish there was more time...

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