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scary weekend
Monday, Sept. 16, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

dammit i'm bored. seriously.

i guess i could go and do my readings, but that would be all too logical. actually, it's only two articles and i should be able to do those right before class so they're still fresh in my mind (can you say procrastinator?).

i had a crazy weekend. hella crazy. let's just put it this way: i did some stuff i wasn't supposed to do. period. i freaked out i don't know how many times... like seeing people with craploads of dogs sniffing our area, almost getting caught in random crime scenes (we were just in the same area), our cabbie speeding away from the mcdrivethru when we hadn't paid yet, and talking to my dad on the phone when i was in no state to talk to anyone on the phone. and i ate way too much. damieon ate so much last night that he had to throw it back up before he went to sleep. and then he came in my room and turned on the light and had to tell me all about it when my room's right next to the bathroom. god.


it's monday. and my cellphone's been broken since yesterday when damieon and i were at the playgroud and left it in the rain while we were on the swings (he said it would only be one swing and then we would get some munchies). it ended up being a lot longer than that and now my phone doesn't work. i'm going crazy.

only two more days and i'll finally get my phone hooked up in the apartment. phone! internet! luxury! i'm almost bursting at the seams.

too bad i'm in for the long haul... classes until 5:00. i don't have my first class for another 2.5 hours which is insane but i figured i needed to get up here and read those articles. and i forgot extra looseleaf. damn.

sorry for my randomness, i feel like a drowned rat from walking to school in the rain.

grr, baby, grrr.

I'm wearing: tee, stretchy jeans, penguin socks
I'm listening to: the computer lab
I'm thinking: blah

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