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please stop it...
Friday, Sept. 13, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

okay, you can call me a jerk. but. i don't have a phone in my place yet, hence no internet. and i've been entirely too busy with my place, and with school, and stressing out with all the problems which keep slapping me in the face. but i'm not dead, so you can all stop worrying (HAHA).

anyway, the apartment's been making me sick, it's so freaking damp. i cannot bring myself to spend upwards of $200 on a dehumidifier when i don't even really have any money to pay for next month's rent yet (and i want to buy a motorola next month? *laughing*). so, i haven't been feeling top-notch. pretty much like crap actually.

my sponsor is giving me more and more trouble every day and i want to break down and cry (or throw my cellphone at the fridge, but i can't because it'll be damieon's next month). i wish they would just fuck off and let the past stay in the past. first they didn't believe that i was in too bad shape to finish all my courses last semester. and now that i've proved it (god knows how much money i had to spend to do so), they want me to NOW prove that i'm fit to even go back to full-time studies. someone shoot me, right now.

i constantly need to buy things, and i haven't even gotten all of my books yet (grrr). yet, i have no money and i'm human, i need to go out and have fun and buy myself little treats. i HAVE gone for a strawberry shortcake mcflurry though, mmmm.

i miss my baby (dog) and my dad. i miss them entirely too much, and it seems like life isn't working out properly over here. there's always something new popping up and giving me trouble, and school hasn't eased up yet because it's only the second week of classes and dammit i have a heavy courseload this semester (research methods, stats, german, sensation, and religious studies).

and it's FUCKING cold out.

when is life going to leave me alone for five minutes? someone please come and make me happy. i need someone.

I'm wearing: fleece jacket, baby tee, stretchy jeans, stripey toe socks
I'm listening to: the computer lab
I'm thinking: fuck i'm hungry

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