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coffee hang-over
Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

after downing nearly a full pot of coffee over the course of the night, it had its reprecussions around 7 a.m.

i was all showered, and getting ready to leave for school, when i got unbelievably nauseaous and pains coursed through my stomach. needless to say, i didn't leave the house. i even slept in the spare bedroom closest to the bathroom in case i had to throw up. i tried to sleep it all off, but i eventually had to drag myself out of bed to get rid of it all. then got unbelievably nauseous all over again and went to sleep until around... 12:30?

today was one big-ass hangover though. i've been grossly sick like you wouldn't believe. i don't think i'll ever do that again, and the thought of coffee makes me shudder. i didn't even feel like eating until 11:00 tonight when martha stewart made me all hungry, so i made myself some veggie egg rolls and fried rice. yum.

i'm in the process of re-doing my hair again. melissa and peggy picked me up around 9 this evening, and melissa pulled the cap off my head and had a nice laugh. i got more hair bleach, and a dark purple dye. i'm just waiting for my hair to dry so i can start on the purple, since i just got most of the orange out. my poor hair feels like a wig though, it's pure awful. i don't even have any money to go and buy intense conditioner now.

but, yeah. off to dry my hair so i can get this all done and over with and go to sleep. and actually get to school this week.

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