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college sucks
Marie is The current mood of at

i'm sorry i haven't been keeping up with my entries... but to tell you the truth, not a whole lot has been going on. college takes up 80% of my time and it's draining me out!

summer is long gone... the temperature has been dropping down to like 4� during the nights and it's just about time to start using the heat again. either that or let my computer supply the heat for my room, haha...

still no job. i haven't been looking really... a job just sounds awful at the moment as i have no time for one anyway. even when this semester's over, i'm going on a little vacation to get away from it all. no jobs allowed! =o)

i've decided that it's time to quit with dyeing my hair. i'm sick of having to dye it every month or so, and i went and bought a burgundy colored dye and dyed my hair for the last time. i really miss my light hair but i can't afford to keep it that way. i've also been going through this big drama whether i should cut my hair or not. i mean, it's really hard to manage, but i still wanna grow it... all my friends say i look better with long hair but that's just the fact it hasn't been short before! i dunno if i could take it though. we'll see.

i've been pretty sick lately... first i caught a BAD case of strep throat, and now while i'm recovering from it, i've either caught a flu/cold or my strep has flared up again. whatever it is, it's making me feel like shit. i can't concentrate in college anymore and it's starting to affect my grades. i really need a chat with my doctor.

other than that, nothing's new... i'll write again sometime soon.

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