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my dog, the model.
Sunday, Jun. 30, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i really have to be asleep before 7 a.m. today, this is just not helping my sleeping schedule. especially when i have to wake up early in europe so i don't sleep away my holiday.

*knock knock*
"marie, are you up?"
*groggy* "why?"
"damieon's on the phone, he wants to talk to you."

*picks up the phone* "what?"
"doug, you have to talk to your uncle for me! they're trying to make me pay them $6,000!"
*pause* "why?"
"because i got an incomplete."
"i don't talk to my uncle, i don't talk to any of my biological family."
"i don't care, you have to get me out of this!"
"i told you, i don't talk to him. call the registrar's office and get the prof to give you a fail instead of an incomplete."
"is it going to work?"
"i don't know, it should."
"okay, i'll call you back later!"

i went back to sleep. but here's the in-depth description... damieon and a few other friends (along with myself) are getting complete funding for college. the funding comes from a major association, in which my biological uncle is the president. just because this is so, it doesn't mean i have connections. i've probably made chit-chat with my uncle four times in my entire life.

now dameion's screwed and he's trying to get me to fix it. i'm sick of being forced to help people all the time. i practically bend myself backwards for my friends, i don't say no to them very often. it's not that i don't have a heart and don't wish to help them out, but i'm constantly being taken advantage of and it's starting to piss me off. can they not see that i have my own problems?


my stomach's feeling kinda queezy... i somehow managed the whole day just forgetting to eat. 2:30 a.m. rolled around and my stomach started to growl. "oh shit, i haven't eaten yet!" since everyone was asleep, i was forced to make instant soup in a cup and pb & j's. i shared with my doggie, but now i'm not feeling that great. i'm going to cook up some really good grub when i get up today... if we've got potatoes, i might even make some chicken soup. damn, we've got no carrots either. or macaroni. hell, i'll just make chicken and rice, or maybe fish and rice. main point: i need good food.

i was sorting through our old baby clothes today (yes, we're pack rats)... throwing things away, putting stuff aside for friends' babies, and stuff for charity. i saw a knit sweater, my dog laying on the bed with me, and then felt goofy. so meeko ended up modelling it for me!

does he still look manly in dusty rose? hehe. i love my baby. okay, sleep really can't be put off anymore... too bad it's sunday.

I'm wearing: tank top, shorts
I'm listening to: rock da boat *aaliyah*
I'm thinking: my poor aching eyes...

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