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duh marie
Friday, Feb. 08, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

damn, don't you just hate it when you have your entry ALL written up and you lose it? i blame it all on the fact that i'm stuck using my laptop's built-in mouse because my regular one is being a pain in the ass. anyway.

i was a total idiot last night. i was completely bored and avoiding any work i had to do. i turned on muchmusic and got through to muchondemand in a matter of like two minutes. i requested bif naked and he got my information (i gave him my phone number three times before i got it right!) and he said he'd call back. i knew he wouldn't because i've had people there say they'd call me back for years... and ten minutes later he did call me back. he said they were going to play my request and put me on the air live with nam.

so while i was on hold, i got all ready... i got my vcr ready, figured out who i was going to send the video out to, etc. nam got on the phone with me, and i made a complete goof out of myself. when she asked what i wanted to see, i said "moment of bifness" instead of "moment of weakness". i corrected myself, but it was too late. i was humiliated! nam was really nice though, and when i got off the phone with her, i realized i'd freaking forgotten to tape it! and i didn't even get to watch it because i turned off my t.v. since i was GOING TO TAPE IT. ha. i didn't even get to see my name on the screen or nam's reaction to my mess-up.

the rest of my night was spent out to dinner with my friends and spending half a decade in blockbuster trying to find some half-decent videos. and then watching them. heartbreakers sucked!

and justin also called while i was watching movies, he seemes quite disappointed when i told him i couldn't talk. so maybe there's potential with him. i'll see, and i'll keep you updated.

i also got my ambulance bill last night too. $650. are they crazy or what? they didn't even come until like twenty minutes later, i could have died. at home it doesn't even cost $100!

so anyway, damieon is here trying to force me down to supper in my pajamas. today is the epitomy of laziness. but if you heard me on muchmusic last night, tell me. and please say i didn't make a complete dork of myself.

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