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feeling like crap
Wednesday, Jun. 05, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

fuck i hate it when diaryland loses my entries...

it's so hard to drag my ass out of bed these days. not because i'm lazy, i just DON'T have the strength to do it anymore. even if i've been sleeping for 11-12 hours, it seems like 2. and whenever i try to get up, i get this intense pain behind my eyes. i've also had this constant uncomfortable headache for close to a week now. i'm dizzy, feverish, lethargic, and bruises have been showing up on awkward parts of my body. i don't even know how they got there. i don't have much of an appetite anymore. my dad knew i had a headache a few days ago, he just didn't know it was constant. today, i told him i've had it for nearly a week and now he wants to take me to the hospital in the morning.

no hospital please. i know he wants to look out for me, but nothing good will come out of it. for one, they'll make me wait for hours, then ask me a few questions, tell me to take some tylenol and send me home. besides, i wouldn't even be able to answer questions about my symptoms and how they've progressed. my memory's been SHIT. it's all a waste of my time. no hospital please.

i wasn't happy with my dad this morning when he DRAGGED me out of bed at 10:00 this morning to go to my physio appointment. of course i had to go... so i got up and ready, and when we pulled up to the clinic, he realized that my appointment was yesterday. i could have killed him. like the other time when he forgot to wake me up and i missed a different appointment. i just can't wait to complete my physio. woo-hoo.

after that, he took me to the store so we could pick up lunches for the kids. i went home and had a lean cuisine even though i wasn't hungry, and then fell fast asleep again by 1:00. my dad's always disappointed that i can sleep so much but i can't help it. he just found out he's got labrynthitis (infection of the inner ear), which he thought at first was a stroke. completely freaked me out. but now he's knocked of energy so maybe he can sympathize with me.

i lost the ball to my eyebrow ring overnight. it was flaked on one side from forcing it back on after trying on another eyebrow ring and losing the ball to that one. i'd use the ball from my other lip ring but damieon was a total idiot and freaking SWALLOWED it somehow. now i have to go to the stupid lengerie store and see if they have any body jewelry. this town is quite pitiful, since that's the only place you can get anything related to body piercings. hopefully it hasn't shut down since last summer. otherwise, i'll have to call the tattoo guy and hope he has them (and then it'll cost me an arm and a leg).

my hair's pissing me off, i'm almost ready to give up on growing it. right now, my hair looks kinda like fez's on that 70's show. it's depressing. and i wonder why i gave up on my hair so easily over the last year.

and the kids are getting on my last nerve. my sister never does anything, then runs away without telling us where she's going to be. and then she comes back at an insanely late hour. my brother is dead-lazy, does nothing around the house, and then throws a fit when i tell him to help out or take a bath or if i turn off the tv. they're going to be the death of me, i swear.

but yeah. need sleep.

I'm wearing: t-shirt, flared cords, ladybug socks
I'm listening to: obsessed w/ childhood *bif naked*
I'm thinking: i need to dig out my nail strengthener again...

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