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fragmented morning
Monday, Oct. 01, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

oh, what a scattered entry this will probably be.

i miss justin. but i miss jamie more. why does he still own my poor little heart?


and then it has to go and get more complicated when leila and sarah own a chunk on my infatuation-ness.

but, other than that, i'm quite fine. i'm in university, waiting for my five hour break to subside and make my way to humanities with melissa and talk about talking with justin, and missing jamie. and being obsessed with leila and sarah.

and oh so much more.

my tongue is nice and swollen, though not sore for which i'm very grateful. the guy who pierced it said that i should 1) avoid dairy and beer 2) avoid solid food and 3) that i wouldn't want to chew any gum. so now... 1) i just had a large mocha to keep me awake *yes, i've had to once again give in to caffeine, i'm not denying it* so there goes the dairy rule. 2) i've been eating nothing but solid food, hence the bottom ball falling off while eating noodles, and 3) i'm chewing gum right at this moment, like i hadn't even had a piece of surgical steel forced through one of the strongest muscles of my body. yay me =o) should i even be bragging? besides, i'd never be able to stay away from gum. marie and no gum=impossible.

told you i'd be fragmented today. need sleep.

i once again turned the alarm clock off in my sleep and missed a valuable 15 minutes from my morning time. plus, it takes me longer to eat breakfast and brush my teeth, that marilyn and i ended up running to the bus stop. and we realized that we are no longer in decent shape. which means... we have to go the gym. cringe.

marilyn dyed my hair last night if i haven't already said so. it turned out being a dark chestnut-y color, with a tint of red to it. i'm not all that pleased with it, and marilyn said it looks better black, but i've gotten compliments already so it can stay. at least until i get bored with it and dye it blue or something.

my stomach just growled, so maybe i should go and buy myself a bagel. or not.

i always get these crazy songs stuck in my head. last week, for some reason, the song alouette (sp) randomly sprouted from my vocal chords. and this morning, my history prof started talking about french voyageurs and how they invented songs such as alouette. creepy stuff. am i psychic? no, just weird.

and i've gotten bored with typing, so i have to go and feed my cranky stomach.

I'm wearing:
I'm listening to:
I'm thinking:

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