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slow day
Saturday, Sept. 29, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

as usual, it's too late and i'm too tired to be writing.

but, nothing has been going on. justin called, and asked when i'm "coming home". when i told him december, like he already knew, he said it was good because he missed me. aww. i wonder what will actually come out of all this. hopefully nothing too serious, long distance relationships are just awful. both andrea and kim lost their boyfriends within the first two weeks of getting here. and they had been with their boyfriends for two and three years, respectively. so, no long distance relationships for me.

and the ball came off my tongue stud today, while i was eating some noodles. it took me forever to get it back on, but i'm figuring i shouldn't really eat food that requires a whole lot of chewing for the next week. especially really crunchy french fries, they were tricky. justin told me i shouldn't be eating solid foods, and i think i'm going to listen to him.

today was pretty laid back, for once. i didn't do a whole lot, besides cleaning and laundry. the dishes are still in the sink though, driving me crazy. but marilyn never does anything, and i'm sick of doing ALL the housework on my own, then cleaning up after her. so she can do the dishes.

and now i wanna go to sleep. though i'll probably end up staying up...

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