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getting old
Marie is The current mood of at

i'm determined to get to sleep by 1 a.m. tonight. i'm too tired to stay up all night again anyway. i must have been up until 5 a.m. this morning. laying in bed for hours on end, tossing and turning, is boring as hell. and it gets you thinking. about everything. i remembered a lot of things, or forgot, you might like to say. i realized that, even though it's been only two years since i graduated high school, i can't for the life of me remember who my principal was. or my vice principal. or my homeroom teacher. i almost forgot what time school got out. lucky me, i remembered and made it just in time yesterday to get those transcripts. but it's weird how little things like that just slip your mind. i do remember they were men though. mr. matthews, that was my homeroom teacher. he was really quiet. and boring. he tried to be funny, but he never made anyone laugh. i wonder if that ever bothered him.

i slept in this morning, it felt so good. but by the time i forced myself up, it hurt to open my eyes. i made it a point today to stay up until at least 11 p.m. so i don't mess up my sleep cycle again. it's working so far.

it was nice and sunny today. which hasn't happened in a long time. for once, there were actually little rainbows all over my room from my window crystals. when i got outside, it was heaven. the snow's actually starting to melt, you can even see the roads! and even better, you could actually go outside without a jacket for half the day.

i had another meeting with bernice this morning. our one-hour meeting ended up lasting almost two hours. she helped out a lot. so now i'm happy.

i also picked up more review outlines for biology. maybe i'll get this evolution course done in the next two weeks. i spent the rest of the morning getting psychologists' answers to this questionnaire i have to do for an application. so far i've got one back. it's better than nothing.

i pretty much wasted the afternoon. i went down in the library to help nicole out with stoichiometry, and we talked the whole three hours. we talked about old boyfriends and loads of other stuff. i did manage to do up a new resum� though. i dropped one off at the video store which probably won't even be looking for anyone.

by the time i got out of college, i was beyond tired so i called up lisa-marie to go out and make sure i didn't fall asleep. we went out shopping, like we used to do back when we were 15. but we just don't have the energy like we used to. even a veggie burger couldn't bring my spirits up. we were both tired, and spent a lot of the time complaining. but i did get to buy this shirt i've wanted for ages, and some aromatherapy pillow mist. and nose strips, and some disgusting lip gloss. i've grown this obsession for lip stuff. i'm getting close to 50 tubes. and i use about two of them.

we also bumped into andrew and bobbie-lee. the couple i didn't know existed. but andrew made me see his new tricks on his skateboard. he does some pretty good stuff considering there aren't any skate parks in town. there isn't anything in this town. which gives me all the more motivation to get out of here.

we eventually just ended up coming back to my place and watching empire records. what i love about lisa-marie is that we can sit there in silence and not have to talk. i don't think i have that with anyone else. we also ended up doing a lot of talking, she mostly talked about her ex, which i can tell she still really likes. and once we both have the money, we're both going to get those tattoos we've been talking about forever. and hopefully a body piercing. she wants to get her tongue done, which i find pointless cause she'd have to rinse her mouth with mouthwash after every single cigarrette she has. what a pain in the ass. i'm hoping on getting my navel done. what i need is guts. rhonda showed me hers after she got it done last year. it looked sore, and i don't particularly like pain. anyway, i'm going to try and get some sleep. send me sleepy vibes!

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