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i need more sleep
Marie is The current mood of at

i need sleep. i didn't get to sleep until nearly 5 a.m. this morning. i don't know how i can stay awake, in bed, and not be able to sleep. then, on top of that, my mother's boyfriend called every five minutes. no exaggeration. and he'd let it ring forever before he'd hang up and call again. if he was there i swear i'd have hit him over the head with a frying pan or something.

my sister didn't come home either. she showed up in school this morning, and after interoggation from my dad, she said she stayed the night at this girl's house. after a phone call to the girl's parents, we found out she wasn't there at all yesterday, so someone's gonna get crap when she gets home from school.

i had a meeting with bernice at 9 a.m. this morning. i had trouble keeping my eyes open. but i got a lot of things straightened out with this worksheet i have to do concerning university. lucky me, this was the first year they even started doing these damn things. if only i applied last year, i wouldn't have to bother with it. but hey, thats life.

other than that, i don't have much news, it's not even lunch time yet. i did talk with my biology/chemistry instructor and he gave me a review outline for the biology course. i told him i wanted to get that out of the way so i can concentrate on my chemistry. then he went on to tell me that there are two unrequired biology courses i should take if i have the time. they both sound pretty boring, and then on top of that, the universities don't even bother looking at them. i don't think i'll end up doing them. but, if i have the time once all my other work is done, i'll probably end up doing them anyway.

sorry i've been so boring lately, but i've been having a pretty boring life. i'm going to a cabin with a friend this month, so hopefully i'll be a lot peppier once i get back. no guarantees though, it's going to take a lot more than a weekend to cure me from this year.

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