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got my tank top
Marie is The current mood of at

i need to sleep. but i can't sleep knowing that 10 minutes before work, i just had to rip stuff out of my closet, and now things aren't where they're supposed to be. plus, my dad isn't home yet and i want to make sure he's okay.

i got my save ferris tank top today. how long did they take to send it here? too long. for something that weighed about an ounce (and didn't look quite like it did in the picture) and that cost me 11 american bucks? what a rip-off. but now i have a save ferris shirt. yay!

work was steady tonight. i didn't even get to call nicole back... i wanted to talk to her about loads of stuff too. nothing in particular, just the kinda stuff you want to talk to friends about when you hear from each other once every week or so. damn the working life.

my dog vomited on my floor last night, i'm sure you wanted to hear that. but he's acting all sickly again. i think my dumb drunk mother gave him bad food yesterday. i wish she'd move away. she's too psycho.

okay, going to bed. need... sleep... have to see doctor in morning...

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