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yucky hair glue
Monday, Nov. 19, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

okay, this will probably be a little rushed (i really don't feel like being online), so i'll apologize in advance...

i was up late last night putting a dent in the first harry potter book. yes, i said i've been reading it, but i have an extremely short attention span, and would put it down after a few pages. but i figured if i wanna see this movie anytime soon, i should read the book. well last night, i got half-ways through. and it's turning to be a pretty good book! i think i may finish the rest of it tonight so i can watch it this week. nicole e-mailed me and said it was an awesome movie, and she 25, so it's gotta be good.

i had a quarrel with my hair this morning. it's freakishly healthy! i mean it's so healthy that it sticks up and it's not even that short. i had to slather the top with hair glue to get it to try and stay down, then i spiked the back. but alas, it couldn't be that easy... the hair glue was old and gross and when i tried to squeeze it out of the tube, the top of the tube busted open!

class was pretty uneventful. i didn't read the story that was due (i didn't know), so when my prof targeted me, i had to tell her i hadn't read it. so that's another thing i have yet to do. she did talk to me at the beginning though. she was all "you're hair looks a little tamer today!" and was laughing. she asked me if i liked it, and how when you get some kind of drastic thing done to your hair that everyone notices it. then she went on to tell me how she went and got a mohawk done in her third year in university. meanwhile, i could feel the whole class looking at me. it was pretty embarrassing to tell you the truth! i've had my five minutes of fame, now i wish everyone would stop staring at my freaking head!

after class, i convinced melissa to come to the mall with me so i could get new hair glue and find a few more christmas presents. see, my daddy who purely loves me put nearly $500 in my bank account! 150 for my residence application deposit, and the rest for my birthday money and living expenses. bless him! so i went and got a refund on my hair glue. the lady asked if i wanted an exchange, but i figured they'd all be crap and took the money instead. then found it a nickel cheaper in the expensive salon. whooo! a nickel for me, yay. i got manda's pressie, shh, don't tell. i also got myself a christmas cd to get me more into the christmas spirit, and big shiny tunes 6. it had a song by bif naked on it, and i felt that i should know at least one of her songs when i go see her next week.

melissa and i caught the bus after that, and we parted our ways. i had enough time to make myself some supper and sit down with some peanut brittle when she called. she asked me if i'd live with her. it turns out that she's having another collosal (sp) fight with her girlfriend and it looks like they're breaking up. now, they probably won't but i'll never put it past their stubborn selves to break up with each other over some trivial thing. so, it'd be great if i could share an apartment with her because i wouldn't have to resort to the scary bubbly cheerleader-like residence on campus.

and marilyn says i can get the rest of my money tomorrow, but i think she's been trying to rip me off so i'll have to investigate.

and yeah, i definitely don't feel like typing anymore.

i miss my stereo though. it's broken and my dad has the receipt. i sure hope he can find it, i've had no stereo for over a week now and i'm about to go crazy without it. i mean, i've even started watching t.v.! how scary is that? well, it made me discover that rod is no longer on the price is right... what the hell happened to him? he's not supposed to be gone, that other guy doesn't belong there! someone fill me in!

okay, leaving now...

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