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it's a beautiful day in this neighborhood
Saturday, Feb. 23, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

it's a beautiful day in this neighborhood... haha. despite how someone is trying to make me feel like crap today, i think i'm doing quite well. i think it's the kick-ass sunshine, and the fact that it's so warm that it feels like spring. and pulling the strings a bit... a cool summer day. there's grass peeking out all over the place, can you believe it? haha, i'm such a dork when it comes to new seasons... especially spring, because it's life beginning all over again. that's what i believe anyway.

i registered for next year's courses. i'm waitlisted for three and i'm not pleased because they were kick-ass courses. hopefully some people will drop out of them and i'll get in because two of them are going towards my major, and i REALLY don't want to have to go back in may and figure out different courses that turn my schedule to crap. i had my schedule for second semester worked out to only be on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. grr! BUT, i'm having a good day, right?

i even got my mountain of laundry done today, and got to the bank, and hopefully i'll get a few other errands done. maybe even get to the mall! this day is too nice to just waste. and if i can find someone, they'll go out for a nice long walk with me. fresh air does wonders for the soul.

a few people have been asking about justin, and i reply with a "don't even go there", because seriously, it stresses me out explaining what a total jerk he is. and then they ask why i don't dump his ass, but i never get the chance to bring it up because he always punks out on me and i don't get to talk about our status by the time i've had a chance to justify my behavior. does this even make any sense? probably not, but i really wish we could set some time aside to talk things over. if not by the end of the month, i'll go crazy.

anyways, go out and enjoy the beautiful weather. and if the weather sucks where you are, just be glad that you're alive.

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