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lazy day
Friday, Oct. 19, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

i slept in until 3:30 today. what the hell is wrong with my sleep schedule? it's okay, i feel well-rested and human again.

justin just got offline. he had to go somewhere, so he owes me a phone call. it seems like it's going to take forever for decenber to come...

i didn't eat until after 5 p.m. today, and i think i made up for the whole day! i had three egg rolls, some dill pickle chips, an apple, and two halloween sized bars. i was still hungry and ate three more egg rolls and three more halloween sized bars. i'm pretty damn full now. i'm not going to lose weight this way though! i've been drinking a LOT of water lately though... last night i had like three liters of water, seriously. i was going to the bathroom all night!

i just thought i'd share that with you =o)

i feel so lazy today, i think i may go and curl up in a blanket and watch hocus pocus with marilyn, even though i despise the thought of hocus pocus. maybe i can con her into watching sweet november with me instead. and save the last dance. and empire records, and pretty woman. oooh, a movie night.


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