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life's stuffy
Marie is The current mood of at

i have been stunned yet again... i got two univeristy envelopes today, one from st. thomas and the other from dalhousie. the one from st. thomas was a receipt, i had been expecting it. the one from dalhousie, i thought it was them confirming my rejection for them. well...

it was another acceptance letter! but no, not for the bachelor of arts program i had "applied" for in the beginning. this time, they had accepted me into their bachelor of science program. i don't know what the hell's going on now. i didn't even apply for their bsc program! i dunno. it flatters me in a way, almost like they really want me in their university. but in my mind, this is just another thing i have to deal with. i haven't even gotten around to writing the residence at u.p.e.i. to tell them i don't need the room they have reserved for me.

it's like i always have something to do. for example, i have to call valerie anderson to make an interview so my funding agency knows i'm seriousd about this whole university thing. then the agency's calling me up, tomorrow probably, wanting to know how that went. i have to call l.i.a. to see if they're even going to give me an interview for that job i was talking about, because their deadline was a week ago, when i passed in my resum�. then melissa and i are going to h.r.d.c. to look for more jobs, and before that, i have to help her out with making a resum�. then, i have to call up the nutritionist to make an appointment to find a nutritious vegetarian diet, cause i know i'm not getting enough protein. i can feel it in my muscles. i have a doctor's appointment on thursday. and that's just this week!

blah, i'm getting smothered with everything. it's not depressing me, cause i'm not the type of person to sit around and feel bad about my life. i go out and have fun with my friends, and i try to never let anything get to me. but there's so much going on, it's like i can't have time to myself, to actually enjoy life. yes, i did get to go out and just spend a night with just melissa, talking about anything and everything. before i knew it, it was 10:30 and i had to get going home. but i never have time to actually sit at home and lay in bed and watch a movie. cause what-do-you-know, that's time i should be up cleaning, and taking care of the house and my brother and sister, and my dogs, and blah.

anyway, enough complaining. maybe i'll actually crawl into bed and put on empire records.

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