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lisa-marie has struck once again
Marie is The current mood of at

and yet again, lisa-marie has let me down.

a few days ago, lisa-marie and i had planned to get her mom's car, go and get gas from chris so she could piss him off, go out for coffee (decaf and sugar-free for me, and cappucchino *sp* for her), then eventually go to the movies.

so i called her up after supper, and she was all like "well, i couldn't get the car..." so i told her, fuck, i can get my car, and we'll go anyway. but no, she doesn't have any money. i asked her why, and she said she thought she had some, but she didn't. so by then, i was starting to get pissed off. i mean, she wastes her money on everything, we got our freaking cheques last week! so i told her we could go and do something anyway, and you know what? she said "well sylvia's here now, so..." and that made my night. so i told her i'd call her back, and i didn't. i don't know HOW many times she's let me down like this. and what's even worse is that she doesn't even call me to tell me she's made other plans when she's supposed to be doing something with me. if she at least did that, i wouldn't have to waste my night waiting around for something that's not going to happen. i HATE it when people waste my time.

and even worse, i was asked to do things with other people, and i had to turn them down because i was supposed to be doing stuff with lisa-marie. but by then, it was too late to do anything anyway, and my whole night got wasted.

i really wish lisa-marie would grow up and take some responsibility though. she's older than i am, but acts 14. i really felt like telling her off on the phone. i felt like letting all my built-up aggressions out on her, but i didn't. because that's not who i am. what i want is for her to act her age, so i can actually relate to the things she does. grr.

so, tomorrow i'm going to spend the night with justin, he won't let me down. and maybe something nice will happen... but i'm so rusty! hehe...

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