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lisa-marie loves me!
Marie is The current mood of at

you know what? i'm not as dreadfully tired as i thought i'd be. and i never almost feel asleep at work tonight. though i might tomorrow. my last shift! ha...

but yeah, i didn't get to sleep last night until around 4:30 a.m., as i was too hyped about justin liking me. i had to get up again at 7 a.m. for my yard sale. my dad being as slow as he is, i never got to go and have it until nearly 10 a.m. but i still made around 75 bucks, what i had been hoping for. and you know what? i came home with just about the same amount of stuff as i left with. but i got rid of all my old magazines. magazines that even dated back to 1995! i should have kept my first ym magazine ever, though. i'm such a pack rat.

around 1 in the afternoon, nicole and her son and i went to tim horton's for lunch. i treated myself to some veggie soup and decaf sugarless coffee (even if it is sugar and caffeine free, i feel like i'm cheating myself). we talked, and relaxed as much as possible...

i went home, then to work. lisa-marie kept me company for a while, and i managed to keep myself from talking about jusitn. but today, she said something to me for the first time ever. as she was walking out the door, she turned, popped her head in the door and said "love you!" it kinda caught me off guard, so i "loved her back". but what made her say that after being best friends for five years? maybe cause we only have nine days left together? maybe cause it has to be said eventually? i don't know, but it was nice. i don't think i could feel any more loved right now!

but, it was hell at work. the air conditioner froze sometime overnight, leaving the store like an oven (anything chocolate was completely melted!). i'm serious! i mean there are SO many things in there that give off a lot of heat... freezers, coolers, slushie machines, soft serve machines... now i know what how a dog feels when he gets locked in a closed car. my clothes were literally sticking to me! customers wondered how i survived at all! i completely turned off the a/c after a bit, cause it was blowing HOT air instead of cold. but i hope it's okay in the morning, my last shift!!!!!! it's going to be such a long shift, just cause it's my last one. but i have a good book there, plus i'm going to try and trick myself into believing i have another week left. i know it won't work, but it's nice to think i will, hehe...

anyway, i have to get up by 8 a.m., and i'm tired. i'll update more when i have the time.

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