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might need help with mp3's
Marie is The current mood of at

i'm BEYOND tired tonight. i'm sooooo glad i don't ever have to get up early for work anymore!

i didn't even have to make myself believe i had lots of shifts left, the time just went by. and before i knew it, i was walking out the door, almost teary-eyed... i'm gonna miss my job, but i'm not. you know how it is, but i'm so glad to be finished with it all. i'll have a week of free-time. if there is such a thing. i still have so much to do before i leave! such as, giving my room a MAJOR clean-up. from top to bottom. and packing, and tying up loose ends. crap, i have to go to the bank and set up my credit line! blah. i was also supposed to go and get marilyn's money transfer for her first month's rent, but i forgot (i've had WAY too much to remember lately) and now melissa's gone and i'll have to find another way to get it to her. she doesn't have a bank account, but maybe her girlfriend does, and i'll just transfer it to her bank account.

i have lots of people to visit for the last time before i move away, i have to make a lot of phone calls, do a lot of transferring of addresses, phone numbers, accounts, blah, blah, blah. and then i'll have to say good-bye to my friends, and my dad, and my dog. and cry. i know i will.

i dreamt last night that my parents found out i was bi. and i felt so relieved to not be hiding anything anymore. to not have to be someone else around everyone. it was a good feeling. then i woke up and got jealous. i can have that, but i don't want to do it. i don't know HOW to do it. i think they're going to find out sometime in the near future anyway. i'm not sure who in town knows. i thought it was only melissa, peggy, and lisa-marie... but justin knew, and now i have no clue AT ALL who knows. i'm always looking at people, and wondering if they know or not. and it's going to get around town, eventually. and then to my parents. but i don't care anymore! i don't care who finds out anymore. just as long as i get to my friends before someone else does, i'm fine. nicole, if you ever read this, i'm sorry, but we just never get the opportunity to really talk!

haha, my dog is trying to maneuver his way onto my bed, but the boxes from the yard sale are keeping him from doing so. it's quite funny watching him though. i'm so simple-minded =o) but yeah, that reminds me, i have to at least straighten this place up tonight.

i'm in the process of getting justin mp3's for his cd. the other night, we just clicked with music (well a few anyway, he's not really into ska) and i offered to make him a cd. i bet him five bucks i could find all the songs he wanted. so if i get stuck, someone please help me. i'm not going to let him win! hehe... i still can't believe he gave me his phone number. that's the first time anyone's given me their phone number. of course i take into consideration that i've known almost everyone i've gone out with pretty good. meaning i already knew their phone numbers. but he really wants to see me quite a bit before i go, and he's going to make sure we do something nice, alone, before i leave. and no, i won't have sex with him, i don't stoop that low. that was me when i was sixteen, but i have more respect for myself. i really hope something happens though. i'd be floored with one kiss! i'm such a sucker for the sentimental stuff.

anyway, have lots to do. i'll write more later!

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