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long-ass survey
Tuesday, Jun. 25, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

this was stolen from liz, from which she stole from someone else.

1. Open up your CD player, what's inside?
3 mozart cd's, a bif naked spoken word album, and the "walk to remember" soundtrack.

2. Look in your VCR/DVD player, is there a movie?
they're both empty because i'm obsessive compulsive and don't allow them anywhere but the cases when they're not being watched. but, i've been overly obsessed with angelina jolie lately.

3. If there happens to be music playing right now, what is it?
a collection of mozart pieces.

4. What are you wearing?
a boat-neck baby tee with a few butterflies on the neck, the flared jeans decorated at the cuffs with flowery lace, the ones with the lazy zipper... and a pair of cat-adorned stripey socks.

5.Look down, what's the first thing that catches your eye?
a dirty rug, it's too hot to be pushing a vacuum around my room.

6. Turn on your TV if it's not on already, what network is it?
it's on wgn, and friends is on. it looks oh so tempting...

7. Look out the window, what's the weather like?
i don't know, it's too dark to see outside. at least it's not raining anymore.

8. If you were to hit redial on your phone right now, where would it call?
actually... i have no idea. i don't call people because i'm lazy like that. i make everyone call me, as selfish as that sounds, but they DO call me.

9. Say "hello?" out loud, did anyone answer?
my doggie opened his eyes, probably bitched at me in some imaginary silent dog language.

10. What are you planning on doing next as soon as you get offline?
put on some light-material pj's, crawl into bed, and fall asleep while watching a movie.

[Full Name]
you internet folk get to know my first name, how exciting is that? i've been answering to "marie" for the past twenty years, i think it suits me just fine.

ya know, my name is so cool, no one bothers to give me nicknames. heh. damieon calls me "doug", which he stole from me, as i gave that nickname to him. my dad calls me "babe", and has been doing so ever since i was a little ankle-biter. that's about it.

[Screen Names]
canadianbabs is for my e-mails, marieh for diaryland, and that's about it really. my aim doesn't count because i don't like it very much.

december 12th, you guys better remember too!

[Marital Status]
unhappily single.

[I Would Never Become A/An...]
garbage man. do you blame me? (and to all those garbage men out there, don't think i'm dissing you, but i just can't stand the smell of it. props to you for taking our crap away, because really... who else will?)

[I Can't Stop Listening To...]
bif naked. i love her more than you would ever think.

[My Favorite Song of the Moment Is...]
before last night, i would have said "complicated" by avril lavigne... but last night i reached my breaking point and i actually switched the channel when her video came on. so... i'd have to say "tango shoes" by bif naked.

[I Hate School Because...]
i don't like using the word "hate" unless it's needed, but one thing i can't stand is office hours. dammit, we all can't revolve around stupid office hours!

[I Like School Because...]
i meet lots of cool people. and it's actually interesting if you sign up for kick-ass classes. i got to play with historic artifacts last semester, did you?

[I Dress The Way I Do Because...]
it's comfortable. it's me.

[Say Something Cool...]
gute nacht, schlauph gute, treum sus. (of course the spelling isn't right, but that's what i think it sounds like. my dad used to teach me all kinds of stuff).

If I Were a Stone, I Would Be a -
tiger's eye, they're cool.

If I Were a Tree, I Would Be a -
cherry tree... they've got beautiful blossoms, and when they don't... they've got beautiful cherries that you can eat!

If I Were an Insect, I Would Be a -
dragonfly. they're so pretty, and remind me *kinda* of butterflies. plus, i'd be able to fly!

If I Were a Machine, I Would Be a -
microwave, i'd be so cool.

If I Were a Fruit, I Would Be a -
watermelon... all juicy and sweet and irresistable!

If I Were a Flower, I Would Be -
either a daisy or a sunflower. wildflowers are the best.

If I Were a Kind of Weather, I Would Be a -
satisfying rain... not too hard or soft, but the kind you just love to twirl around in.

If I Were a Mythical Creature, I Would Be a -
unicorn, they're so graceful and gorgeous.

If I Were a Musical Instrument, I Would Be a -
guitar, because they're wonders.

If I Were a Kind of Profession, I Would Be -
what WOULD i be? something confusing, that's for sure.

If I Were an Animal, I Would Be a -
dog, desperate for love and attention. cause that's what i am (desperate for love and attention, you idiots!).

If I Were Anything In The World, I Would Be -

If I Were a Color, I Would Be -
yellow, it's so bright and cheery.

If I Were a Fragrance, I Would Be -
strawberry vanilla, it's so dreamy.

If I Were an Emotion, I Would Be -
elation. what feels better?

If I Were a Vegetable, I Would Be a -
potato... delicious any way you eat it!

If I Were a Sound, I Would Be -
genuine laughter.

If I Were an Element, I Would Be -
water, oh so satisfying.

If I Were a Movie Star, I Would Be -
angelina jolie. she's hot and talented, and crazy!

If I Were a Holiday, I Would Be -
any holiday that most everyone doesn't get drunk at.

Do You Have Any Allergies?
yeah, weird ones. i'm allergic to all types of alcohol, all types of insect bites, fake silver jewelry, and a lot of strong cleaners.

Have You Adored Someone?
hon, i ALWAYS adore someone.

Do You Talk To Yourself, Loudly Enough For Someone to Hear You?
sometimes, when i'm in a good mood and no one is around to hear it. but usually my dog is stuck up my ass and then i'm talking to him.

What Do You Smell Like Right Now?
field berries and satsuma (think oranges).

1) Three things you'd eat on the last day of your life:
my fried rice, because it's the best thing on earth; some really good veggie pizza (NO raw onions, and don't even think about putting pineapples on it!); and a really good pasta dish, and don't skiv on the cheese!

2) Three CDs from your collection that are your favourite:
"purge" by bif naked, "i bificus" by bif naked, and new found glory's self-titled album.

3) Three movies that made you think:
the shawshank redemption, pay it forward, basketball diaries (well not really, but hardly any movies make me think).

4) Three people you would have sex with:
hell if i know! i'd mention one girl, but i'm scared she'd find out... i don't really "fancy" movie stars to be in my bed.

5) Three vacations you have taken:
i went to florida in '96 and '97, i went to venice (italy) during one of my trips to switzerland, and well... i mostly just go to switzerland. i'm going again in 11 days, which would make it trip #10 (i think?).

6) Three songs you get stuck in your head frequently:
i don't really get songs stuck in my head because i listen to it all the time. when i was in college two years ago, i used to get the craziest songs stuck in my head (like that annoying circus song!). i used to call myself the human jukebox, always getting all kinds of stuff stuck in my head.

7) Three things you'd like to learn:
german, skydiving, how to fly a plane.

8) Three beverages you drink frequently:
mostly water, but i always have watered-down orange juice in the mornings, and usually a coke with my supper.

9) Three TV shows that were on when you were a kid:
punky brewster, inspector gadget, and jem. the 80's were some damn good times!

10) Three things you'd like to do now:
go for coffee at timmy's, make the store open so i can buy a new cd, and break into the store i used to work at down the street, because i've got this HUGE craving for some chocolate.

11) Three things of which you are scared of:
spiders, my imagination in the dark, and not finding anyone to love/love me.

12) Three things you hate:
ignorance, violence, lies.

13) Three things on your desk:
my computer system, my scanner/photocopier/printer combo, and a rain-scented candle.

14) Three things I plan to do before I die:
make sure i was on this earth for a reason, make sure my loved ones knew how much they meant to me, and do all the crazy shit i want to do (bungee jumping, skydiving, parasailing, hang-gliding, etc.)

I'm wearing: baby tee, flared jeans, cat socks
I'm listening to: andante in c for flute *by mozart*
I'm thinking: dammit it's getting light out and i'm supposed to go out with my dad at 10 a.m.!

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