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a waterfall, wow.
Monday, Jun. 24, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

holy CRAP i need sleep. i guess i've found my answer to the whole bad sleeping habit: get less than 7 hours of sleep.

it was just too hot today. my sister went to two barbeques, and my dad, brother, and his friend went for a long ride. it was nice, the wind blowing in through the car... i swear my life would be so much better if we had air conditioning in this damn house.

anyway, we stopped at a beach and walked along the shore. well, at least my dad and i did. the water was still FREEZING (the ice just melted not too long ago!), so it was mostly a game of "who can walk the farthest without getting too cold?" haha. we visited one of my parents' friends after that, and well... damn i'm boring today.

actually, i made my dad stop at the trail to one of the waterfalls on the way back home. i nearly died. i swear, in a matter of 30 seconds, i had nearly a dozen mosquito bites... and i was fighting them off the whole time. and the waterfall was half dried up, what a rip-off! but i sacrificed my temper and skin to try and get a decent picture for you lovely diaryland audience...

it turned out pretty damn good since i half-running away while taking it... except... did you notice too? that huge-ass glare in the middle of the shot! i have no idea what caused it, because as you could tell, i was in the middle of nowhere. it shouldn't have come from the waterfall, because i've taken pictures of water before, and never gotten anything like i got today. it showed up in another shot too, but in a different pattern. it kinda freaked me out! haha.

we went to subway afterwards and i'm just as shocked by this, but i managed to eat a whole foot-long sub! i haven't been able to do this in years, so i must have been starving. maybe not eating all day until 9 p.m. had something to do with it, but i can't let my appetite go haywire again... especially before i go to europe where i won't have the option of eating whenever i feel like it.

now i'm all itchy and bitchy and red and swollen. i really need to get my ass to the store for some after-bite before i go crazy. toothpaste works just as well, but it's not worth my time because it's so damn sticky and hard to wash off when it dries. actually, toothpaste is a miracle substance... here's my tip of the day for you: if you have a really scratched-up cd, rub a BUNCH of toothpaste into the scratches, and then rinse it off. it should play a lot better than it did before. betcha didn't know that!

melissa's going to be here on thursday... should i start counting sleeps? haha, really... she could keep my sanity until i go. especially with school out and the kids being home all day long. suffice to say we don't get much time together at all, less than two weeks... but it's enough time for us to catch up on everything. i miss all my friends! i miss damieon too, the jerk. he lied to me last night and said he updated his diary. he's a lazy jerk that won't even tell me the songs i used to play all the time from his cds.

dammit, this heat's cooking my brain. i wish *gone in 60 seconds* wasn't the only jolie vhs we had, because i REALLY don't feel like going out in the living room to get my angie fix on dvd. and fuck if i'm going to haul out my laptop and hook speakers and monitors up and stuff.

bless the weather for deciding to be cool tomorrow, cause i'm still digging sand out of my hair.

I'm wearing: tank top, shorts
I'm listening to: all star *smash mouth*
I'm thinking: my poor aching eyes...

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