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losing the fun...
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i've temporarily lost the fun in writing entries...

i think i'm getting overworked and overstressed and overeverything. i've had a constant headache for the past few days (and i'm too scared to take tylenol because i really hate using painkillers), there's ALWAYS something for me to do. there's always something to stress about, and there's never enough time to get everything done.

and today my mother came back and even though no one's gotten into a full-blown fight yet, i feel impending stomach ulcers.

now i'm starting to wonder if things will ease up when i get back to fredericton, or if problems will only mount when i get off that plane (i will have gone on 23 planes in the past year, now tell me i'm not a frequent flyer). things are pretty much at a standstill right now: the appeal's out of my hands and now i have to wait and see what kind of shit they pull. i'm beyond broke because of them, and i have no place to live as of two weeks from now. i'm praying we'll find an apartment in the first week, because residences are full and i'm pretty much screwed if damieon and i don't find a place. i also have to start worrying about all the stress this lawsuit's going to put me through... having to live through the car accident all over again, going through all those ghost-like feelings, and remembering all the depression.

and hell, i have school on top of this! five different courses to keep me unbelievably busy... and maybe not even five, because i'm on FOUR freaking waitlists. why can't my schedule work out for me? i wanna get into human sexuality dammit! and i want to get into forensic anthropology even more. blah.

and before i forget, i have to e-mail courtney and call damieon and melissa.

and yet again, i leave out TONS of stuff i should be talking about.

I'm wearing: baby tee, cargo pants, stripey socks
I'm listening to: track five on the *i am sam* soundtrack (call me lazy, i don't feel like waiting for the chorus)
I'm thinking: i need to go to the potty

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