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try me
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

would anyone care if i disappeared off the face of diaryland for a non-disclosed period of time? because i'm seriously considering it.

my life has been really, really stressful and draining lately... there's always something going on, i feel like crap both physically and mentally, and shit is constantly being flung at me. i don't know how the hell i'm keeping my head above water, but i think i'm losing my ability to do it. leave me the fuck alone!

today has been pissing me off to no end... everything kept going wrong. is the whole fucking world against me and trying to keep me from going back to school? because it sure feels like it. now i can't even get a line of credit because i'm a student and i can't be held liable for money. assholes. there's just far too much going wrong for me to stay optimistic about everything. if you want to send me optimism vibes, please do so... because depression is just around the corner.

my mother got here yesterday afternoon. she was a complete bitch until a few hours later when she said something along the lines of "fuck this, i'm going back" and then she was gone the same evening, dragging my sister along with her. she didn't even say good-bye. hell, they were both in the car all ready to leave before anyone even bothered to let me know. it's a lot better in this house but my brother's a devil spawn, i'm ready to bet my life on it.

and i have a hole healing up as i speak, or trying to heal anyway. see, my bellybutton hole somehow got restless and turned inside out. it's been trying to devour the bottom ball of my ring, so i figured i'd take control of it before it got completely hideous and i took the ring out. i'm down to 13 piercings now, which is quite depressing. the hole looks quite bad, and i'm hoping it heals at least a little bit... it's going to be a nasty scar. and my eyebrow piercing's already starting to grow out, after only nine months. how rude! i think i'm going to take it out in the very near future before it does any further damage. i'm not meant to be all scarred up dammit! it would be nice to start getting rid of all my piercings though, i'm getting quite bored with them.

oh, damieon was supposed to fly in today... the weather was too bad for any flights and i probably won't see him until tomorrow afternoon.

anyone else wanna fling some shit my way? let's see how much further marie can be stretched before she loses it.

try me.

I'm wearing: baby tee, stretch jeans, penguin socks
I'm listening to: the news
I'm thinking: fuck this week-long headache, fuck it all...

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