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lost hopes
Marie is The current mood of at

i gave my poor little heart a little jump tonight. my dad came in at 10 p.m. with an envelope, and he was bitching about how my mother never gives me my mail. he was like, "it's something from dalhousie (university)"

i practically jumped off the bed and grabbed the envelope. my heart was pounding and i was getting hyper. i opened it, and guess what? an application form. what the hell does that mean? i sent mine in already, i sent the fee, i passed in my transcripts, and all that shit. and they send me another application form. time for a few e-mails. i can't be assed to write them tonight, so they'll have to wait for tomorrow, like all the other various complaints i have to make to companies.


that was my excitement/disappointment for the night. other than that, i haven't been doing much. i had the afternoon off, because there was some workshop for all the teachers at the college. actually, i felt weird being home cause i haven't missed a bit of college in so long now. i almost feel guilty. what the hell is wrong with me?

anyway, end of rant.

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