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i'm loving it here
Monday, Jul. 22, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

this can't be very long; everyone's asleep and i don't want to wake anyone up with my typing.

things have been awesome here, all except for the kiersh (cherry) liquor cake (and by the way, my rash has decided to wait to surprise me sometime in the future). stefan (english=steven) is a sweetheart. in between him pulling on my piercings, making me sticky with baby grime, and being awoken in the middle of the night, he's just adorable. i'm a kick-ass cousin because i taught him how to stick his tongue out at people and blow raspberries. that's what cousins are for, right?

i get a lot of freedom here (and internet access too!), and carina *my cousin* and christoph *her boyfriend* take me places every day. yesterday we went to a museum... i know it sounds boring but it was a cool one where you could play with all the crap. tomorrow we're going into the city to go shopping, because the circus isn't open until wednesday... and on the way to germany (for my cousin's wedding), we're going to a monkey park, woo-hoo! christoph says there's thousands of monkeys there, and you can walk right up to them (or vice versa).

i thought i took enough pictures... christoph has his digital with him 24/7 (it cost over 2,000 dollars!), and he has 3,500 pictures on the hard drive. there's no way i can look at them all! he's going to try and burn a few cool programs for me too (including photoshop), so i'm loving that to pieces.

anyway, bedtime. i swear, i'll get the hang of this again; there's just too much going on right now!

I'm wearing: baby tee, shorts
I'm listening to: the hum of the computer
I'm thinking: my neck hurts, and stefan made me all sticky

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