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i met bif (sort of)
Saturday, Mar. 23, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i probably won't write long, my roommate has a friend over and they're watching a movie.

i met bif last night. or at least in my dreams! i told damieon when i woke up and he said he'd never want to be with me if i ever met her. i guess i wouldn't either. she just kicks so much ass! i finally got my bif video today, i'll have to watch it when my roommate isn't hogging the t.v. i have to see "lunch with charles"!

i must have pissed my roommate off this morning, because i had my alarm set for 7:30, yet i wasn't even in my room. i went over to damieon's and ended up sleeping over in his room. i don't know how we can be so "normal" with everything... we sleep in the same bed and cuddle right into each other, yet we can still draw the line between being friends and not being friends. we kick mucho ass. but damieon was supposed to wake me up at 7:00. i'll give you two guesses. i don't know how many more psych labs i can miss!

i have to wake him up at 7:30 in the morning, which means i actually have to wake up. i swear, the things i don't do for him... see, i don't mean to sound blunt or anything, but his grandfather died today and he has to go back home for the funeral. i can tell that it hasn't become real for him yet, though he's still trying to come to some sort of grips with the whole thing. if only i knew how to be there for him.

my mother called my cell while i was getting my hair cut tonight... i was busy in the chair, so i told damieon to answer it. apparently, she was loaded drunk and got really bitchy with him. my dad informed me that she hates the fact that i even hang around with him, but she can go to hell for all i care. i tried calling later on tonight, but there was no answer. it was a godsend because i didn't feel like talking to her anyway.

i really don't know how i'm going to manage a whole week without damieon. we've gotten so close it's unbelievable. it seems like we've known each other for years, not three months.

justin's on msn on away status right now, i hope it stays that way until i get offline. it's not that i'm avoiding him, it's just the fact that i'm REALLY not in the mood to get in an argument right now. i'll laugh in his face if he thinks we'll get together before i go home. i don't even know if i should get involved with him when i go home... everything just gets so complicated with him, and i don't know if i want to subject myself to that over my much-needed break.

i think i'm getting over my whole depression phase. honestly, i think it was just p.m.s. ha. i didn't think i was affected by it, but now i'll just use that as an excuse for any idiotic thing i do from now on. but seriously, i think i can tackle this last month with ease.

at least once damieon gets back.

and it's nice to know that i have at least one dedicated reader. love you evie! aha, you can't read her unless you have her password.

anyway, i have this huge urge to crawl under the covers and look forward to that lovely buzzing alarm clock.

as long as damieon gets a goodnight sleep.

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