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i need more time!
Marie is The current mood of at

well, it seems i can't keep up to date with anything on the internet anymore. i hate how life goes on whether you want it to or not, hehe...

let's see what's been going on shall we?

well for one, i was ecstatic (sp?) about the fact that i'd found an apartment, CHEAP, nice, and something i could actually live in. the landlord had been a prick from the start, it wasn't hard telling that, but i didn't think much of it. the first few days were pretty blah... moving in, trying to find things to go up on the walls to make it look like we weren't living in a hospital, hehe... no furniture. then all our friends (i had my best friend rooming with me) caught wind of our new place and started visiting in hourds... the partying started. the first get -together had ended up in a warning, as things got a bit out of hand. we toned things down, though the people came every night. things didn't get out of hand, until my best friend's 19th. i'll even admit it wasn't bad then! yes, i had the place packed with people, they were stashed anywhere they could fit. it was well worth it, as it's not very often i get to forget all my responsibilites and have fun. we had a visitor we didn't want, my best friend's sister. we wouldn't let her in, so she banged on the door, cursed, and swore her anger out. it so happens the landlord had come by at this time, and he wasn't too pleased... then one night, me and about 9 other people left for a half hour to find a phone. we came back, and there were four cops there saying my place was broken into while i was gone. even though nothing had been stolen or touched. the landlord made a big entrance and blamed so much on me, things i didn't even know were going on. he then gave me 1� days to be moved out. this pissed me off quite a bit. so i had spent about two weeks in that place. i've been staying with a friend ever since. i've been searching a few apartments, though i haven't found the right place yet.

college has been quite boring. i've fallen quite far behind on my assignments, which i have used almost every excuse in the book to put off even longer. i've also taken into habit skipping classes every week. i've still managed to keep decent grades with my tests though, and even got a perfect score on my chemistry final. i couldn't believe i had done so good.

i've gotten back into the work field, well not quite. jay's quitting his job at burger king, and i'm going to take over for him, as far as i know. i put my resum� in almost a week ago, and i mean i've worked there before. so why take on a person who has no knowledge to someone who still knows how to make all the orders even after almost a year off work? i had to quit because of allergies, but i really need the money.

i know there's lots more going on, and a lot of stuff i wouldn't put up here, though you'd think a lot of this stuff is already personal. just talk to me kay? haha... i'll write again later but i have to get going. i'll write again soon.

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