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the nausea is gone... wow
Friday, Nov. 29, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i've become slack with updates, but, i don't care. i really haven't felt like being on the internet lately and there's been a lot of stuff going on.

the day i had counselling, DAMN it was busy. i was in counselling for over an hour and we didn't really talk about much, but she explained this balance thing that i need to live healthily and crap. she DOES make sense, it just feels like it's not helping me out, or at least not for now. as for how i'm feeling physically... i'm finally starting to get my appetite back. i managed to eat two meals yesterday and my nausea has subsided for the most part. imagine, having nausea for almost a whole month! i really feel for pregnant women, because i went through hell this month. i still don't know what made me sick for so long because my loss of appetite and the nausea were the only things bothering me besides the fever which only lasted a few days.

i nearly had a mental breakdown the other day because i got this call for a temp office job, which i didn't even apply for. so, i needed a resume, and when i tried transferring my resume from my laptop to my computer, it just wasn't working, so i was getting really pissed off and i ended up having to completely re-do it and then the printer wasn't working and then everything kept freezing up on me. the printer wasn't working properly... so i put it on disk and tried printing it off at this centre thing down the street and it wasn't compatible. i was so emotional by then i just started crying in the car and i had an argument with my dad. it only took that one thing for all my feelings to come out and that was it. he was starting to piss me off cause he started treating me like a kid, so i went to the employment centre and did a whole new resume there before finally having an actual resume. i dropped that off and then everything was okay with my dad. i still haven't heard anything from that company, but i don't really care either way because damieon's coming here soon and i'm bogged down with counselling, physio, and doctor's appointments. but, out of the whole computer fiasco, i've managed to convince my dad that we need a new one! i'm gonna make sure we don't skiv out this time either, we're going all out and my sister is NOT getting her paws all over it either cause we just got this one fixed and it had a virus and a bunch of other shit wrong with it. and i'm 100% convinced it was all her fault.

my dad's also almost definitely getting me a sewing machine for christmas! i'm getting excited because i've wanted to modify a bunch of my clothes. and even moreso, make my own frikkin raver pants! they've had some awesome ones on ebay over the past few years but they're so damn expensinve i could never bring myself to buy a pair. i know, i'm such a dork, but a sewing machine is all i really want this year.

damieon's going to be here in five days, wow. he's only going to be here for two days, and i have two appointments while he's here, but i'm really going to try and spend as much time with him as possible. this is probably the last time we're really ever gonna see each other and it's kinda depressing. yeah he can be a jerk towards me and make me feel like shit, but he's still my friend and we spent so much time together.

countdown to my birthday: 13 sleeps.

and just to note: i've officially decided that i like monkeys more than butterflies now.

I'm wearing: baby tee, patchwork jeans, butterfly socks
I'm listening to: where are you going *dave matthews band*
I'm thinking: my neck hurts

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