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i need some tylenol
Thursday, Aug. 15, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i've been looking for my sunglasses for at least two weeks, and they've been in my purse the whole time. sometimes i wish i was immune to stress. or is it all the time? same difference.

i would have updated last night, but that's a story all in itself... i can't really remember how yesterday went because it seems so long ago. but i DO remember that today is an inernational holiday, or maybe just a swiss holiday. so, a family down the street wanted to celebrate being able to sleep in and invited 6 houses around our neighborhood to a party; i don't want to get into too much detail because i have a bitch of a headache and thinking makes it worse, haha. anyway... we went there around 7:00 in the evening, to a bunch of strangers. and what was better? no one spoke a word of english. i felt like an idiot because no one was talking to me and i couldn't understand anything anyone was saying. around 9:00, after we'd all eaten, stefan was getting cranky and i was cold. so... i took him home to babysit him while i came back here to "civilization" a.k.a. the computer.

well, it was okay for the first two minutes. i had him on the floor with his toys, but he found the cpu FAR more interesting. i had to put him in my lap while i was online. what did that mean? no keyboard, so no typing. eventually, this got boring and i brought him to the t.v. where i put on *lord of the rings*. let me note that carina is a stay-at-home mom and practices attachment parenting. being an a.p. baby, stefan wanted his mommy quite quickly, and he started crying. and crying. and then he started screaming. louder and louder.

i cuddled him, i rocked him, i pushed him around in his stroller. i tried giving him baby tea (i have no breastmilk, sorry), i tried walking the floor with him, i tried everything. this kid screamed even more! i swear i almost had a mental breakdown because this boy was making me exhausted. i'm *guessing* that he cried for over half an hour straight before he stopped crying for a second to look out the window and then promptly collapsed in my arms. the silence was heaven to my ears.

i spent the rest of the night with him sleeping on my chest until carina and christoph came home. i finished my movie and was so tired that i just went to sleep.

blah. and just a few hours earlier, i was cuddling this baby, thinking i couldn't wait to have one of my own. my baby fever is long gone.

anyway, today was a lot better. we drove nearly to the top of b�rgenstock mountain, where europe's largest outdoor lift is located. this lift (read=elevator) is 152 meters tall, and you make the whole distance in 50 seconds. cool, no? it took us forty minutes to walk up to it, and then when we got there i was getting psyched. that thing is quite intimidating, let me tell you. it's glass, so you can look all around... i was getting a bit weak in the knees. the top of the mountain was just gorgeous (i think it's somewhere between 700-900m above sea level, big ships look like fingernail clippings). i took lots of pictures, i'm hoping i have some really nice ones to show off when i get back!

by the time we came home, it was 7:00 and we were all tired. i've been on the internet all night, doing stuff that damieon should have been helping out with because it's so much easier for him. blah. apartment listings, apartment listings, apartment listings. i also checked my bank balance (which is quite scary) and i owe $974.97 on my credit card. i swear, i'm going to die. if i get nothing out of my lawsuit (which i'll be shocked if i don't) i will drown in debt. i don't even know where all this money went! i CAN tell you that i loaned about $500 out to my friends over the past year and i haven't seen a damn penny. not happening anymore, no siree.

i wish i knew where carina had some tylenol, i'd sure like some of that right now.

I'm wearing: baby tee, shorts
I'm listening to: stefan screaming
I'm thinking: i wish my headache would go away...

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