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Marie is The current mood of at

i'm definitely not used to the heat. it acted so "wintery" this summer (eg. snow in june, november weather for the past two and a half months) that now since it's actually hot, i almost die of heatstroke. and then, at work, the air conditioning is so freaking cold that i can't win either way.

anyway. things have been pretty slow with me. i had today off, and i spent most of the day inside trying to avoid the summer outside. of course our house attracts heat, so it didn't really help. but i got bored, and applied some self-tanning lotion, and it didn't even really work. except on my clothes and my body pillow while i was waiting for it to dry. blah.

eventually, i went to go and visit lisa-marie at work, and totally forgot to call nicole and see how she was doing. besides, she was probably at her other job.

anyway, lisa-marie was completely hyper, and i don't see how she finds the energy to get hyper like she does. of course my home is the house of dead (besides the constant fighting and arguing) and i've inherited that trait. maybe once i get my own place again, i'll perk up a bit.

once she closed, she needed my help again. i swear she HAS to be counting her money up all wrong. like tonight, she came up $100 short. when i counted it, it came up perfectly (well 2 cents short, but that's on her behalf). i don't know how many times i've had to save her from mental breakdown over money counts, and how many times she's hugged me and told me she loves me. it's simple counting! i swear i don't know how she's going to survive that job once i leave for university. she already feels she's going to get fired over short counts, and stupid things she's forgetting to do, and messes she's leaving in the store. i don't think she has much potential at a decent independent job.

we were going to tim horton's after she took her mother to work, but she couldn't keep the car and i ended up going with my dad. i didn't mind at all, because i'll hardly ever get to see my dad when i move away. instead, he read the paper the whole time we were there. the bookworm. there are two books i want to get though, really badly. there's a three-book series, written by david peltzer. the first is "a child called it". it's so heart-wrenching what his mother put him through, and i can't believe how he even managed to survive. but the second book is called "the lost boy" and i'm not sure of the name of the last book. i didn't go through anything like that growing up, but i had my share of torturous childhood memories, and i can sort of relate to books of the sort.

but, i'm tired, and i don't have any news for you.

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