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i actually like a pair of glasses!
Thursday, Jun. 20, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

when i think it's finally summer in this craphole, i pull out my *now and then* soundtrack. after two days of hot weather, i think summer's finally found it's way to this part of the country.

i had to go and help my sister pick out new frames for her glasses today. i lost my patience with her quite quickly because she just couldn't make up her mind. she really does look up to me though... no matter how often she steals from me, or pisses me off, or even if i act bitchy towards her... she looks up to me as a role model. maybe that's why i don't swear in my own house? haha. anyway, i suggested what looked best on her and she chose them, just like that. i also found a pair of glasses i'd like to get, even though i don't wear glasses (i'm a FAITHFUL contact lens girlie). you know those thick plastic frame-type of glasses? they're getting all popular and stuff... well i saw a candies brand, and tried them on for fun. and they really suited me! so, i asked when my last check-up was... two years ago, so i get to go and get a new pair! yay! i'm getting them, because they make me look smart, and teacher-y. but, our optometrist is going to england on vacation soon so i won't be able to get my eyes checked until after i come back from europe. maybe i'll actually wear them sometimes *gasp*.

well, it was the promised 28�C today (it's going to be 30� tomorrow, i swear i won't leave the house until after supper), probably even hotter. i got my first mosquito bite and invited summer in with my first oreo flurrie from one of the stores i worked at last summer. the heat's just killing me, and my jean shorts have vanished into thin air... and my tank tops don't suit the "sporty" shorts i'm left with. i guess i'll have to tear my closet apart, because i KNOW this is nothing compared to switzerland. actually, i was talking to my uncle andy and no one even knows where the hell i'm going to stay, or when. and they don't even know if they can pick me up at the airport yet or not. i'm going to have to KNOW if i have to take a train or not... grr on them!

i'm addicted to my new gia dvd, i think i've watched it four times in the past two days. my angie print-outs are stuck on my walls and they kick ass. i need me some more angie!

i spent the night with nicole, for the first time in ages. she just dropped by my house out of the blue and we went driving, then walking, then driving again. it was nice to hang around with her again, i feel like half the summer got wasted because we didn't make any effort in spending any time together. it's not that i DON'T wan't to hang around with her... she's one of the few people that i feel that's at the same maturity level as me, we hang out and just have a good time. but it was nice tonight, i haven't gone walking around in a long time, and frankly, i need the exercise. on the way home, we took the back stretch, and met up with a traffic jam. we thought it was a car accident first, because the road was all backed up and there were cops all over the place... we even saw an ambulance leave. but soon enough, the road was opened back up, and we didn't see any wrecked cars. we were getting fed up over the whole thing, because there's been so many car accidents lately... too many, but that wasn't the deal. there were cops in the woods with flashlights, and there was some liquid substance spread all over the road. it hasn't rained for days, and it was spread about in weird patterns, nothing logical about it at all. i guess everyone will know the details tomorrow, this is such a small town.

dammit i'm sick of being single. i need to get out more, meet new people, do the flirting. otherwise i'm just going to stay single and i know it. my youth is wasting away, single, nonetheless. i miss the kisses, the cuddling... the hand-holding, the tickling, the cuddling... i miss the starry-eyed gazes, the companionship, the cuddling... hehe. geez, i just miss having someone there for me. is there any better feeling on earth?

anyway, my doggie's craving attention. he's almost just as good!

and it's hot dammit.

I'm wearing: bum tee, umbro shorts
I'm listening to: sugar, sugar *the archies*
I'm thinking: GEEZ it's hot

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