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The northern lights
Friday, Feb. 28, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

It's frikkin' cold in this neck of the woods. It's the kind of weather that would freeze my hair when I waited for the bus through high school just after I'd showered. I would get on the bus and crack my hair to speed up the melting process, heh. Yep, those were the days.

I'm finally sleeping a lot better lately; someone came over to pick up my cousin this morning and our dogs barked their asses off and I didn't even hear it. Now all I have to do is figure out how to stop waking up all night long. Any suggestions? I've been really dizzy lately too, and I find it a bit odd to happen almost three months into my prescription... it's not a nice feeling at all. My weight is stuck solid at 115 lbs, which isn't exactly good news to me, but it's better than being 130 lbs I guess. I told my dad about a yoga instructor moving here and how I would enjoy it immensely; I told him all the benefits, and he was like "you'll be teaching HER flexibility" haha. I'll consider myself flexible when I can do the splits, putting one's foot behind their head is child's play. Nonetheless, it looks like I'm getting yoga lessons in the future. I love my dad.

I have $3.28 in my bank account right now and I haven't even gotten any stevia or aromatherapy or girlie things... nothing! Of course I have a Swiss bank account, but that's my emergency money. How the hell am I going to make a living? There's not a single suitable job for me. Grrr. Maybe I'll sell my sister into slavery, but she'll have to come home first.

Tonight, my little brother whined when I told him I was making a vegetarian supper; veggie chili (using Yves ground lean to substitute ground beef). By the time it was on the table, he was savoring every spoonful. Maybe it's just because I am an amazing cook, but I'm sure my family would never survive on a vegetarian diet. And you might as well kill them before you make them go vegan. Those poor little buggers, they have no idea what kind of chemicals and bacterias and stuff they eat every single day. That stuff is nasty I tell you! One time there was a whole shipment of those canned weiners for here and they were all full of worms. Eat up everyone!

My dad and I were taking people around town and such this evening and I'd mentioned the fact that I hadn't seen any northern lights in ages. This is true, I hadn't seen them in well over a year due to my vacation in Europe and being in New Brunswick for university and all. And just as if nature heard me, they appeared all over the place on the way home. It was awesome! I made my dad drive us to the end of town so we could see them properly, and they were dancing all over the sky. I've always taken things like that for granted growing up... but after living in a small-scale city, I come back here and see the exact beauty that exists nowhere else.

I'm buying yarn tomorrow; I'm going to attempt knitting again. I'll probably be very short-tempered for the next few weeks due to knitting ignorancy, hehe. And now, I'm going to read some diaries for curve reviews.

I'm wearing: Hooded baby tee (which is really too wide on me), patchwork flares, cow socks, flannel robe
I'm listening to: Underneath it all *No Doubt*
I'm thinking: I've been dizzy far too much these days

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