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another death in my family
Thursday, Nov. 14, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

so it's 4:36 p.m. and i think i may finally get out of bed. i'm so utterly exhausted though, do you think anyone would care if i only emerged from my room to go and relieve my bladder and do a few other inconspicuous things no one should have to hear about?

did i tell you that damieon inadvertantly killed my kermit? he did. i was stupid enough to leave my cold-blooded babies in his possession because he's a complete idiot like that. harriet ate herself to death, but he inadvertantly killed one of the s club members when he left the water filter on full power and it got stuck to it and died a horrible death. and he's been starving everything else since i've been gone. so he forgot to tell me when kermit died, and i still can't believe one of my froggies is gone. he flushed it right own the toilet, the insensitive bastard. here's a picture, just to show you how unbelievably adorable he was.

i got a call from my future counsellor today. i have an appointment with her at 9 a.m. tomorrow so you know i'm serious about this when i allow myself to get up before noon. maybe i can also get to see a doctor or something to tell me why i've been so goddamn sick. i've got appointments like crazy these days... until next friday, i have four appointments. i don't like being demanded like that.

i think i might actually be hungry though, my stomach's growling. so when my dad and brother are gone grocery shopping, i'm gonna FINALLY make that pizza i've been talking about since last week. hopefully i'll be able to eat it.

give me strength for tomorrow... this is gonna be hella hard, yo.

I'm wearing: flannel pj's
I'm listening to: days of our lives
I'm thinking: blah

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