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things on my wall...
Sunday, Jun. 16, 2002
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so, i was looking around my walls and decided to share a few of my things with you... if i wanted to show you EVERYTHING, well, i'd be scanning for at least two days, so you only get four things.

this is my birthday card from shannon when i turned sixteen. i remember it was a school day and i was pissed that i had to go to school, even though hardly anyone was there. i can't remember what was going on... pep rally? either way, the place was stranded, and shannon came to school just to give me my birthday present (a silver rope-chain, a little teddy bear, and a pouch that her grandmother made). i remember she met me in the computer lab... i was so proud of it all, and then we ditched school and went with her older brother robbie to the canex. or was it north mart? either way, i remember us walking around pointlessly... robbie dropping pennies along the way, and shannon giggling her head off while she picked each and every one up. he must've had like 50 pennies in his pockets! then we went back to shannon's and made french vanilla cappucchinos and put 13 extra teaspoons of sugar in them and started getting so hyper that we were bouncing off the walls. we made eddie and keith (or was it mike i.?) taste them and they cringed. or was that another time? i don't know. so that's the story behind my birthday card.

this is a collage of what other "family living" classmates thought of me when i was 15 years old. we had to pass around a piece of paper and write a nice comment about that person. it was the beginning of the year and no one really knew anyone... it makes for pretty boring comments like nice/healthy hair, nice complexion, nice shirt (i remember i was wearing a flannel shirt with a red dog beer shirt inside), nice writing, etc. but a few people knew me which led to comments such as funny, nice personality, good sense of humor, smart, good to animals, etc. it's on my wall because whenever i look at it, i'm reminded of that day and how a lot of the comments made me laugh (cool finger! *still don't know what the hell that was supposed to mean*).

this is pretty much the same concept as the other collage. it was done on one of my many sick days in grade 12. it was a "peer counselling" class, a university (?) course as an intro to counselling. NO ONE knew me in this class, and since i didn't have any friends there, i didn't really talk (leading to comments such as shy and quiet... and why the hell do people like my handwriting? it's messy!). they don't know what the hell they were missing out on!

and just because i want to, here's a few snaps of damieon and i taken in a picture booth a few weeks before we left fredericton. you could really see the "frosh 15" weight gain in my face (which was added to my naturally chubby cheeks *everyone in my biological family has them*)... i'd like to think my face has slimmed down a lot, but i'm not really the one to say so. in the first one, i was being goofy and damieon was being all sincere and nice. and then in the second one, i'm the one trying to be nice and damieon's hamming it up. which just goes to show how much damieon and i contradict each other. but in our case, opposites attract. does the top picture sort of explain why everyone thought we were messing around? do you guys think we look like a good couple? well guess what... we're not, and won't ever be! ha. so, the pic...

i'm bored. go take my survey.

I'm wearing: long-sleeved tee, flared jeans (the pair with the zipper that falls down when least expected), flower/butterfly socks
I'm listening to: too much *ghetto concept*
I'm thinking: computers piss me off

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