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i'm outta here
Friday, Oct. 11, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

okay, i'm trying to kill twenty minutes until melissa gets out of religious studies, so i get to meet up with her and have somebody to hang around with.

as of right now, or a little later on today, i will no longer be a stu student. i chased a few people around before finding the right guy to withdraw me from this semester. he was really nice about it, and it only took about five minutes. any longer and i probably would have started crying right in front of him. i also had to go and hunt down my marks from last year to go into my lawsuit, but the lady at the regisitrar is a bitch sometimes and she wouldn't give them to me. she said they get over-ridden by the new year's marks... but hello! we're only one month into classes so i don't have any new course marks. so now i have to wait until i go back home and hunt them down in all my junk and massive mountains of documents and such. just because of her.

anyway, i still have to talk to my funding agency, which is NOT going to be a pretty sight. i also have to try and get my landlord to let me out of my lease, which doesn't expire for another 8 months. wish me luck on that one. i also have to talk to my lawyer, and then try to set my mind on a date to fly home. and i also wanna buy a few things before i go... some shirts, things that are a lot cheaper out here (pretty much everything), and a few christmas presents. and you know what? i have $139 in my bank account, and my credit card is OVERDRAWN. how the hell did i rack my bill over $1,000? i have a $1,450 cheque from my funding agency in my room, but they're going to snap it right back when they find out i've withdrawled all my courses.

i want to have a heart attack. but there's no turning back. this is for the best, and i know it. no matter what anyone says, this IS going to be better for me in the long run. i'll get my head fixed, and maybe i won't be so fucked up anymore.

and maybe i'll finally be able to learn to tell my dad i love him, to his face.

but anyway, there's some protest going on in the middle of campus: people dressed up in costumes, a fake dragon, security... all because of the queen. she's here, you know.

isn't that exciting....

I'm wearing: baby tee, stretchy jeans, butterfly/cloud socks
I'm listening to: everyone in the computer lab, typing...
I'm thinking: still so much to do...

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