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time waster
Marie is The current mood of at

look at the time, i knew i wouldn't get to bed before 2 a.m...

but i'm bored, so i have a back-up quiz done for times like these. happy reading!


1. When were you born: on a cold winter's day in 1981

2. Where were you born: in a crap town in the middle of nowhere

3. What was your first grade teacher's name: mrs. mc allen

5. What was your worst accident: the car accident i got into in 1998. i ended up having amnesia, a mild concussion, whiplash, and my spine was dislocated in three different places

6. What was your favorite cartoon: i had loads of them

7. Who was your first best friend: couldn't say for sure, it was a long time ago ...

8. When was the first time you ever went on a plane: two days old i think... couldn't have been any younger than that.

9. Who was your first boyfriend: michael... i'll leave it at that

10. What was your favorite song when you were in the 5th grade: i have no clue

11. What was your favorite movie in the 2nd grade: i can't even remember watching movies much at that age...

12. What did you want to be when you grew up: do you even want to hear them all? first it was a doctor... then a nurse, an artist, a mommy, a vet, and probably quite a few others i'm missing

14. What was your favorite subject: probably art

15. Did you ever wet your pants at school: no, thankfully

16. Did you ever get sent to the principal: once or twice, though i'm not proud of it

17. Did you ever start a food fight: yes, hmmm... cake fights are the best

18. What was your worst fear: getting left behind somewhere

19. What was your favorite toy: i didn't really play with toys... i played outside on my bike a lot though

20. Did you ever suck your thumb: no


21. What time is it: 8:11 p.m.

22. What's the date: june 18, 2001

23. What grade are you in: i graduated high school two years ago

24. Who is your best friend: nicole

25. What is your favorite movie: i have lots. but empire records and save the last dance are at the top of my list

26. What is your favorite song: again, i have lots of those... the ones that come to mind right now are all star by smash mouth, come on eileen by save ferris, amphetamine by everclear, adam's song by blink 182, and loads more

27. Do you have any pets: yup, my doggie meeko

28. If so what are their names: look above

29. What was your favorite subject in school: math

30. What color of hair do you have: i just cut out all my colored auburn hair, now it's my natural black

31. What kind of music do you listen to: ska, any kind of punk basically... oldies, and a few chart songs, but no pop!

32. Do you still watch cartoons: i love the simpsons

33. What is your favorite t.v. show: i don't really have one but i watch friends whenever i can

34. Do you get online often: almost every day, at least to check my e-mails

35. What's your worst fear: not improving myself, and spiders

36. What's your favorite color: blue

37. What state do you live in: newfoundland, canada

38. Do you have a b/f: no

39. What's your favorite type of food: rice and pastas, and lots and lots of veggies!

40. Do you drive: not very often, i'd rather have someone else drive


41. What do you want to be when you grow up: get in some form of psychology

42. Do you want to go to college: i'm accepted to three different univeristies, unfortunately i can only go to one of them

43. Do you want to get married: of course

44. If so at what age...if not why: whenever i find that special someone

45. Do you want to have kids: i've always wanted them

46. What kind of car do u want: i want an suv *drools*

47. At what age do you think you'll live to be: 78

48. Where do you want to live when you're 35: somewhere really green with clean air

49. What movie do you want to see next Saturday night: i'm not even sure what's going to be here at the time, something boring no doubt

50. What time do you think you will go to bed when you're 70 (if you plan to live that long): however late my energy will allow me

51. Do you think you will have the same friends as you do now: no, though it'd be nice

52. Do you think everyone will be jealous of you at your 10th high school reunion: hopefully!

53. Do you want to be president of the U.S.: *laughs* next question please

54. Do you want to walk on the moon: naw, i don't like the thought of expelling non-mentionables into outer space on the way there

55. Do you want to be famous: never!

56. What kind of housing do you want to live in: a cozy house with lots of windows and a lush back and front yard

57. What color do you think your hair will be when you're 50: black with white mixed in it

58. Do you think you will still have the same personality when you're 60: hopefully i will, i'd love to be positive about things all my life

Some other questions that need answering.

59. Who are your favorite writers: unfortunately, i don't read enough anymore to have any favorite writers...

60. If you had kids, what would you name them: i don't know

61. What was the last book you read: i'm reading the diary of anne frank at the moment

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