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Marie is The current mood of at

not much has been happening this way... but i figured i'd keep this thing up to date anyway.

i have mostly just been going out with friends and having a bit too much fun while doing so *lol* stuff i'd get in trouble for if the right people found out, but hey, you gotta have some fun every now and then right?

the road trip i was supposed to go on, has been cancelled and now it's been decided by my father that our trip is going to be by boat. *whoopee* but he wants us to stay in this little town for the summer, and he also asked me if i would stay with my birth mother since she wanted to see me and all. he-llo, she hasn't cared about me all these 18 years... not cared enough to remember my birthday, or christmas, or anything like that... but try to come into my life every 5 years or so when it's convenient for HER. well guess what, IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! she can do whatever she does... but i'm not going to be in her life! she gave me away... and then even though she wants to be in my life, she doesn't put any effort into it. i'm not accepting it. anyways, i totally went off on that subject! as for my adopted mother, she can do the same thing. she doesn't care about me enough to wanna be in my life. she doesn't call, she doesn't do anything to try and get in contact with me. she lives like a half-hour plane ride away from me! whatever... enough mother-blabbering...

i desperately need to get a job. if it gets bad enough, i'm going to look into babysitting jobs. yes, babysitting... ugh. but i am LOW on cash and i have lots of things to do that cost money! *lol* like expensive phone calls, and computer stuff, and just basically living things... my dad has totally left me out on a ledge for money. i don't blame him, i'm 18 years old. but i'm the one who looks after his kids, and cooks (when i feel like it *lol*), cleans up the house (when i feel like it *lol*), and so much more... half the time i give up my life for this family! it sucks. but here i go rambling again.

i guess i should get going though, cause i have lots to do, and there really wasn't any news to begin with! i'll write more later...

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