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a bunch of randomness
Marie is The current mood of at

i finally heard from melissa today. she called right out of the blue. i hadn't heard from her for almost a week, and i was starting to get worried because we were supposed to spend the weekend at her cabin. it turns out one of her friends had some emergency and she had to watch her kids the whole time. she tried calling me, i guess i wasn't home. we did a bit of talking, and now our cabin weekend is moved to may. i'm not quite convinced that the bay will still be frozen, otherwise, we'd have to get there by speedboat. either way, it's going to happen, because i need to get away from this town!

i stopped by the college today. i miss it so much! they said they're giving out winter transcripts in a few days so i'm going to send out my university applications tomorrow. they also had an organ donor display in the lobby. i picked up a card, so now i can offically be able to donate my organs.

diane's leaving for nain again tomorrow. which means i'll probably spend the evening with her. no more coffee though, haha. it would have been nice to go up there (to nain) over break, but just the thought of it makes me uneasy. i'd be forced to visit my birth mother, who i'm not at all comfortable seeing. and i'd also be spending time with so many people i haven't seen in a long time. then, i usually spend more time with a few friends, rather than everyone and people get jealous. i hate small towns.

anyway, i'm hungry so i'm going to find some food. i'm going to try and write more often though, i'd love to be able to look back on this diary and have a lot of memories (which would mean good-bye slackers ring).

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