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Marie is The current mood of at

i can't write long, i need to eat some cold pizza and yummy tomato and lettuce salad before i leave for my workshop.

the only reason that i'm even on here is cause some nice chickie figured out my border problem for my buttons. and now they're gone. yummy =o) (i'm using that word way too much lately).

i had another interview with my funding agency this morning and they answered a lot of questions for me. i thought they were only going to fund my tuition for four years, but lucky me, they're going to fund me through, all the way until i get my doctor's degree. what a weight lifted off my shoulders!

the deal sounds soooo great, but i know it's not that great at all. i won't get much to live off of, but i'm not complaining. i'll have at least 1600 bucks saved up by the 20th from working, and my dad's giving me an extra 1000 bucks. plus, i'll be getting 675 a month from the agency. so with all this, it sounds like i'm actually going to be allowed shopping for new clothes! most of my clothes are at least two years old, and some of them are from secondary school. when i was 11 years old! luckily i haven't grown much at all since then.

anyway, have to go eat. have a nice day!

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