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not so pointless entry
Marie is The current mood of at

and i still haven't gone to sleep. maybe one of these days, i should tell myself the opposite of what i want myself to do. but then, that wouldn't work either. poor me.

andrew's diary gave me the inspiration to write a pointless entry, so i dedicate it to him (i'm sorry i have to put you through this, i wouldn't if i wasn't dead tired).

i was thinking about this thing i did last year in september. my dad bought me this halloween costume that was a mock of the scream costume. well i took it to my apartment, and somehow it got to lisa-marie's house. we got bored so we decided to scare the crap out of her mother when she got home (we were bored!). so i got dressed up. i hid in the hall, and when she came home, she didn't come in the hall. lisa-marie's sister did, so i scared the crap out of her instead.

she almost peed her pants. all i could do was laugh. i'll never forget that one. so the word i should be saying now is... anyway...

i think i'm starting to eat a bit too healthy. i cut out all caffeine and sugar-filled drinks. it was pretty easy, and i just started drinking steam distilled water. it's all i've been drinking. but tonight i ran out and was forced to drink apple juice. sounds healthy right? well it's making me sick! i can't win either way! food is over-rated.

on top of that, i'm getting so sick of food that i'm getting bored with it. i can't quite remember the last actual meal i had. and even worse, i can't remember the last time i had an actual meal and enjoyed it. i used to be a picky eater, but this is getting too much. i'm almost thinking about just living of boost or slim fast or something so i wouldn't have to go through the dilemma of finding something i want to eat. and to me, that's pretty pathetic.

so, please find me some delicious vegetarian recipes!

well, maybe this didn't turn out to be such a pointless entry after all.

anyway, i'm off to find my tuition receipt. yay me for leaving my income tax forms to the last minute.

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