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the shipping news
Thursday, Jan. 17, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i was gonna write a decent entry in here last night, and diaryland was being a pain in the butt. go figure. so now you'll get boring clippings of my happenings last night, since i have to catch the shuttle and feed my hungry belly in a few minutes.

a big group of my friends and i went to the movies last night to see the shipping news. i have to admit it kicked ass. and i don't like newfies! but a lot of the movie reminded me of home... did you guys see the brookfield ice cream tub, and the carnation milk, and those tacky lamps? hah, they soooo reminded me of home. the carnation milk. but it was a really good movie, the room was so packed that we got stuck right up in the front row and we nearly broke our necks trying to watch it.

i had a half hour in the mall to do my shopping before everything closed. and i got pretty much everything i wanted. i kick ass. except now, i have to get a longer phone cord, and i'm not too pleased with that because i've been spending way too much money lately.

leila forgot the assignment description yesterday. grrr. she said she'd have it for me today though, and if she forgot it again, i won't be too pleased. but she had the cutest face when she told me she'd forgotten it. hehe. i'm such a dork.

okay, i REALLY have to get downstairs before everyone else steals my spot on the shuttle.

yummy food. well, as yummy as cafeteria food can get.

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