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slow this week down!
Monday, Sept. 02, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

wow, look how quickly i came crawling back to diaryland... five days and i'm ready to roll again.

i guess a few things made me realize that i'm a total idiot for letting all this shit get me down. maybe it was distant pms or something or maybe i was just too damn busy, but i'm definitely over it.

after i got my sponsoring appeal sent in, things slowed down quite a bit for me. not entirely, because i DO have a life, with me being the woman of this household and all; it's NOT easy raising a jerk of a 12 year-old brother, and i shouldn't have to, i'm only 20, dammit! but i've been wanting to come back on here for days now, i just REALLY haven't had any time. i can't stay away from diaryland, that's like trying to keep me away from a frikkin shower, haha. okay, i wouldn't have been able to keep away from a shower for anywhere near five days, but you know what i mean.

i've mostly been doing a lot of stuff around the house this past week; cleaning, cooking, trying to make my brother help out (unsuccessful), trying to get rid of junk, taking care of the dogs, etc. there's never a dull moment around here. although i DID have a deja-vous tonight when i was on my hands and knees scrubbing red kool-aid out of the carpet... i haven't had one of those in ages.

i just spent ages quitting 110 rings. you read that right! what the hell was i thinking? why do i need to be in 160 rings for anyway? damn. i'll try and sort them out properly when i have more time, but i just don't have any time.

the angelina autographed picture i wanted disappeared the day after i found it. how depressing is that? i should have bid on it anyway, grrr. i bet you i'll never find another one like it. now i have to meet angelina in real life and get my own autograph, haha. i did complain to bif's management about the cd and autograph though. and now i get a $10 refund, and the cd exchanged. it DOES pay to complain!

damieon's been at ray's cabin since thursday; i miss the asshole like crazy. it's been so boring, and all i want is to hang out with my friends and act my age. act my age. how the hell do i do that again? seriously! i only know how to be a housewife, how to raise teenagers and pre-teens (and every other age as a matter of fact), how to stay at home and be productive... how to deal with lots of shit thrown my way, and how to worry. how the hell do i act my age?

i leave for fredericton in 30 hours... and i have to fit two nights of sleep in there! how the hell am i going to find enough time to do everything?! i have to take my room apart and put all my stuff together to pack... i have to get paperwork done, clean up this house, make sure my bills go to the right place, blah, blah, blah. why is there always something to do?

school on thursday... slow this week down, PLEASE?

I'm wearing: tank top, jean shorts
I'm listening to: man overboard *blink 182*
I'm thinking: i need to take my contacts out.

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