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i want that damned photo
Thursday, Aug. 29, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i know i just came on here and said i have to give up diaryland for a while, but i have a few little things to add to my diary before i sit back and relax (haha, i wish).

i finally got my first interview completed, i've been wanting one of these forever. i've got it linked on my reviews page, so you can go and check it out. i also got around to linking my vacation pics on my photos page, for easier access.

after writing my entry last night, i got quite depressed and tried to find a pick-me-up on ebay... and find it i did. i almost never get anything off ebay, but when i saw this i fell in love. i think it's the most beautiful picture of angelina ever, and it's autographed (you can actually almost pick it out too). i want it more than anything, but to use the *buy it now* option, it'll cost me $45 american. i have NO money right now! i really don't know what to do... i mean, i'm really tight for money thanks to my sponsoring agency. my dad had to apply for a fourth credit card, i got turned down for a line of credit, and my friends are taking their goddamned time to pay me back. should i splurge on this and cheer myself up a bit, or should i keep this money to put towards all the bills which are going to be dumped on me in the next month? i'm really going to be pissed if i don't get this... dammit with all these choices i have to make. why can't i have a few luxuries here and there? someone tell me what i should do, because i don't want to feel guilty for spending $45 on an autographed picture. why the hell does everything boil down to money? fuck.

i didn't wake up until 5 p.m. today, when it started getting really loud in the house. i feel like complete shit; so bad that i actually caved in and allowed myself to take two tylenol, something i haven't done in months. i started getting sweaty, light-headed and stoned. my fever won't go away, and even though my dad and brother say i'm freezing, i feel like i'm in a furnace. i can't get enough air, and i'm getting short of breath. i'm really getting pissed off, because now i'm fighting my battle with some goddamed virus or something and i don't even know where i got it from.

i wish damieon would have called today, the asshole. it would be nice to have a friend around. i should go and see nicole before she leaves on friday though, i have a gift for her, and also the one i got for her son way back in march.

i really miss my bellybutton piercing, almost as much as i would miss one of my eyeballs.

I'm wearing: flannel pj's
I'm listening to: scar tissue *red hot chili peppers*
I'm thinking: i hate meds...

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