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i'm so loved
Marie is The current mood of at

i want to go and take a nice, hot bath, but my mother got home today, and she's passed out in the bathroom. i wish she wasn't here. i don't like it when she comes off a plane so drunk that you can smell her a mile away.

i don't like alcoholics.

but, on a lighter note, i may not be loved by mothers, but i am loved by friends. i feel absolutely special =o)

see, i was at work tonight, bored out of my mind. and just when i thought about calling melissa, she called me. and you know why? just to say how much she was glad i was her friend. and for no particular reason. now how awesome is that? do you know how much that lifted my night?

and when i tried to call lisa-marie, she wasn't home. you know why? cause she walked to the store to come and visit me. and of course to buy some cigarrettes. she needed 94 cents to buy them, but i didn't have it. what i said was "lisa-marie, if i had 94 cents, i would have bought myself some cheezies." so you know what she did? out of that money, she bought me some cheezies. like, last saturday, i came in for my shift, when she was going to get off hers. i came in the door, and she pracitcally came running to me and wrapped her arms around me like she hadn't seen me in ten years, and wouldn't let go. it's little things like that, that make this world completely worth living.

i feel so loved.

and i think i'll leave this entry at that.

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