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you suck, dad!
Friday, Jun. 14, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

how hard is it to put a ring code up on your page somewhere? people apply to join my rings, when my only request is to display the ring... then i go to their pages and they don't have it posted. or even better, they don't even have a rings page! does everyone have their minds set to make me go crazy? blah.

my dad accused me of being anorexic today. he's done this quite a few times and i'm still offended that he'd even think that. i mean, okay, i don't really eat that much. i didn't eat today until 11:00 p.m. but that doesn't mean i'm anorexic. like julia stiles (sarah) said in save the last dance, "i don't eat if i'm not hungry". we had to go to the e.r. tonight because my brother's been sick all day and couldn't stop throwing up. as we left the parking lot, he said he should have told the e.r. nurse that i don't eat, to knock some sense into me. i felt this intense anger towards him... why can't my dad believe me? can't he see that i'm not wasting away before his eyes? i'm 127 lbs! so, he's not really a fan of mine at the moment. he's been pissed off at the whole world today, i think the kids are finally getting to him. he usually doesn't have to hang around them nearly as much as i do, but since he's had a toe operation he's forced to lay on the couch most of the day. maybe he realizes what i have to put up with all the time.

hehe, someone just logged off (there's a door-slamming sound) and my dog ran over to the door to see who left. anyway... i saw these cool new contacts, you can wear them 24/7 for a whole month. i want to get my paws on some of those! i'm sure they're not cheap but then i wouldn't have to buy cleaning solutions and not worry about ruining my eyes when i stay out for days on end and am forced to keep my contacts in the whole time. and i wouldn't rip them (i have a dry eyes problem due to an incomplete blink).

and i don't think my sister's pregnant anymore. she's put on more weight but she just looks like she's getting fat now. extra poundage isn't nearly as life-altering as teen pregnancy, don't you think? so, i have one problem lifted off my shoulders.

my hair's driving me crazy... i don't want to cut it all off again because i miss my long hair, but it's getting all shaggy. i started cutting it by myself last night but gave up because i don't trust myself with my own hair. maybe i'll go to the hair salon before i leave, but i just got my credit card bill and i'm not proud to say that i have less than $300 to go before it's completely maxxed. why can't my friends stop being complete asses and pay me back all the money i borrowed out? i'd have it mostly paid off by then. i can't give out any more money because i simply can't afford to do it.

i miss damieon.

I'm wearing: rainbow-striped baby tee, surfstyle-type jeans (red/black)
I'm listening to: october song *bif naked*
I'm thinking: i think my left contact's ripped, damn.

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