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thank you justin
Sunday, Oct. 14, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

okay, i'm in such a good mood. justin called me. he CALLED me. hehe.

yeah. i e-mailed him, he e-mailed me back, then a few hours after that, he called me. we were on the phone for almost two hours, when he had to go and get ready for work. it's his birthday tomorrow, he'll be 20. and instead of going out and partying, he's going to come home from pool league (he's going to teach me how to play pool when i go home) and call me. aw, he loves me. well, he likes me a lot.

aw, i can't wait for december.

we talked about so much. he made me feel better about everything. (justin, do you read my diary?)... anyway.

yeah, we made plans about when i'm at home. he's going to take me to b.c. for a summer vacation. he's going to pay my ticket. b.c. is clear across the country! that's like going from florida to california. whew. i'm soooo falling for this guy. not because he's going to take me to b.c. but because he makes me feel special. and it seems like the world stops when i'm talking to him. i can't wait to go home for christmas. i come back again january 2nd, and he'll fly out here on the 3rd. just to come and see me for an extra two weeks. yes, we have plans right until next year, when he comes out here to go to my university. and then when i've got my b.a., and i take a break before tackling my masters... we're going to live together, or at least in the same town. of course these are crazy plans because i don't even see him for another two months. and who knows what their life is going to be like four years down the road? but it sounds right.

and i'm allowed.

kay? i just wanted to sound happy. well, i am. but my diary's been sounding really depressing, and now i'm happy so i'm going to try and keep my diary happy too.

thank you justin =o)

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