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the baptism didn't kill me
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

so, the whole baptism thing didn't kill me. it was quite fun actually, sitting amongst all my cousins who are roughly the same age as i. and even better? fr�nzi (my cousin) and dominic (her boyfriend) hate having religion forced upon them and religion in general... so we felt the same through the whole thing. and stefan? he was just hilarious throughout the whole ceremony. he grabbed at the priest's (priestess'? it was a woman) clothes, got pissed off when she blessed his forehead, and then he let out a big breastmilk burp when she announced him a member of the church. you just had to be there. and then i had to eat the blood and body of christ and all i thought was how good the bread was, and how the wine didn't even taste alcoholic. and when everything was over, we snuck into the back and drank all the wine, because it was only gonna go to waste.

it was a really crazy day, yesterday. apparently, baptism is a big thing over here (is it the same in the states?). stefan got loads of nice presents, and we had this huge feast. i swear i can't fit into half my jeans anymore and i'm scared that i won't be able to reverse my new eating habits, or get my 17 year-old body back. you know, i used to look pretty good!. wasn't it just a month ago that i could go a whole day without eating and not even be hungry? blah.

so now i'm with carina, christoph, and stefan again. actually, flurina's here for a few days as well. it looks like i may actually be able to catch up with the internet again, yay!

anyway, i'm going to cut this short because my dad and brother keep e-mailing me, saying that i should be calling them and i'm so bad at making phone calls.

but it's all good.

I'm wearing: pooh pj's
I'm listening to: some techno crap christoph has on his winamp
I'm thinking: it's freaking COLD in here

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