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This and that...
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

I haven't lost an entry in a LONG time... I've come to live by the copy/paste back-up. But I pressed something on my keyboard and then me keyboard nor my mouse would work afterwards. I'm mad at my function key right now... bad, bad key. Now I don't even want to write anymore. I will though, because... because my thoughts want to come out, but my mind and my fingers don't want to do the work. You know, if everything was as easy as thinking, life would be such a different proposition. I especially wouldn't aspirate a stupid corn niblet and feel it roaming around in my lungs.

Anyway... I can't believe I'm saying this, but both my brother and sister were sound asleep before 9 p.m. tonight. It had to be the shepperd's pie I made tonight, there's no other explanation. Fill your family's stomachs with delicious food and you can get them to do just about anything. It's safe to say that I enjoyed my quiet time quite immensely. I wish I had more time to work on my blanket though... it's getting just a *tad* long, which gives me more motivation. Goddamned blanket; why do they have to take so long to finish?

Miranda had to go to the E.R. tonight; I diagnosed her with strep throat, which was confirmed at the hospital. Going there is such a nuisance, but I can't write her a prescription for antibiotics, it seems that's the only thing doctors do these days. Medicate the patient to get them out of your hair. I hate antibiotics, but I have yet to find some alternatives for them. Does anyone know of any? What I wouldn't do for a natural remedy book... I didn't catch the vicious bug my brother and dad got, and I'm hoping I don't catch Miranda's strep throat. I think she'd have to cough mucus in my direction for that to happen, but she's very capable of doing so. I had strep throat once before, maybe twice. The strep I *remember* having was a bitch. I had no clue what was wrong and eventually found myself going to the E.R. The doctor said it was the worst case he'd ever seen and I could have died if I left it much longer. That would have sucked. Besides, the thought of my throat coated in pus is less than amusing, to say the least.

Spring is coming, I'm in shock! It actually gets warm during the day now, to around the freezing point (0�C/32�F), so the snow starts to melt. And then evening comes and it all freezes again, making it a bitch on the roads. The snow is still piled about 10 feet outside my window, so I don't expect the snow to be gone until May or so... but it's nice to know that spring is at least making an attempt in my little corner of the world.

I was talking to my mother on the phone tonight, it was even slightly enjoyable. I had some things bothering me for a while, so I got her to answer some questions for me. It turns out she actually made some of my baby foods herself. She pur�ed veggies for me, but I somewhat understand her buying heinz fruit food because fruit here is a rip-off. I mean, 4 bucks for a frikkin honeydew melon? Those little baskets of strawberries can go up to 5 or 6 bucks... that's a whole hour's pay in this neck of the woods. I also asked why she didn't exclusively cloth-diaper my little tushie. She said she kept me in cloth diapers during the day, but used disposables overnight. That's not so bad, at least she sort of knew what she was doing in the beginning. I undoubtedbly know that I'll make some wrong choices in raising my first baby, but at least I have some understanding right now of what is and isn't good for babies and the environment. And I know enough from my mother about how NOT to discipline or even treat a young, impressionable, innocent child. Bitch. Let's pretend I never said that. But when your own mother pushes you down a flight of stairs head-first for not answering her quickly enough, it kinda leaves this small mark of hatred and disgust on you. And no one should EVER have to run away from a drunken mother that's coming after you with a frikkin curtain rod... least of all being told it was " fault for making mad at ". And people wonder why these kids are fucked up when they're older.

I watched Fear Factor tonight and Joe said "holded". If I use wrong forms of a word, can I get an overpaid job too?

I'm wearing: Baby tee, stretchy flares, stripey socks, flower slippers, and cuddled up in my blanket from Sari
I'm listening to: Poison *Alice Cooper*
I'm thinking: I'm up late yet again

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